Bumping Into A Battle

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(Your Point of View)

I was walking, my shield on my back, through a forest, when a large explosion happened to the left of me. Running over to where it happened, I was surprised to see a battle happening between a team of 9 vs 7. What kind of battle was this? The group of 9 had a dark symbol on their foreheads telling me they were demons. The other side was made up of a lot of random races. There was a giant girl, a fairy, an immortal human, a sorcerer, a descendant of the goddess race, a priestess, and...a demon? Well aren't they full of surprises. An attack was headed strait at me so I used my shield to block it.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! I AIN'T THE ONE YA'LL ARE FIGHTING!" I yelled at them causing them all to look at me. 'Uh oh.' I thought.
"Well look! A human!" One of the demons laughed. She had pink hair. "Just what I needed. A snack!" She giggled.
"Hay Lady! I ain't no gosh darners human. Ya hear me?!!" I yelled back, moving my shield to the side.
"To bad. I need a snack!" She yelled back. Casting a spell at me, it was about to hit me.
"Cap'n Meliodas' sword!" I yelled, causing my shield to turn into the Captain of The Seven Deadly Sins' sword. "FULL COUNTER! VANISH!" I Yelled, jumping up and vanishing the spell.
"H-how?!" The she-demon yelled.
"Full counter. Duh." I said, placing a hand on my hip in a sassy way. That caused the demon on the 7 persons side to snicker.
"I MEAN HOW DID YOU DO THAT ATTACK!" She yelled at me.
"Ma power is called Copy. Meanin I have the ability to do dis." I said. "Merlin's staff!" I said, throwing my sword into the air only for it to transform into a sorceress staff and land back in my hand. "Now. Soul Pulse!" I yelled, casting the same spell back at the pinkett. She dodged it but looked at me like I had grown 7 heads.
"M-m-monster! That's what you are!" She shrieked.
"The name's Y/n, thank you very much." I stated.
"Y/N?!" the two...captains? yelled.
"That's what I said ain't it? Are ye def or somefin?" I asked.
"No way! She's Y/n! The boar sin of lust!" The giant yelled, pointing at me.
"No. I think you mean she's Y/n, the commandment of selflessness." The black haired captain said, crossing his arms.
"Actually I'm both." I stated, making all parties go quiet.
"WHAT?!" all 15 of them yelled.
"Yo! Ever heard of a thin called bein quiet? Ya'll are gonna bust me eardrums!" I yelled, causing them all to go silent again.

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