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(Still your point of view)

Looking up at everyone, I groaned when I noticed that both captains where looking at me weirdly. I shivered when their eyes pierced my very soul. That's when I felt it. A pulse.


"NANI?!" I shouted, dropping my staff to grip my hair."H-How is that possible?!" I panicked, shaking my head side to side.
"What is going in?" The giant asked.
"No clue." the fairy answered.
"I-how-why-" My thoughts were cut off by a shadow swallowing my legs. Startled, I tried getting away from it, only for it to grip me harder, dragging me deeper into itself. Panic rose in my chest as helplessness fell over my being. "HELP ME!!!" I screamed, as I scrambled to hold onto something. Suddenly, two pairs of arms rapped around me, pulling me out of the shadow.

"What the fuck is Dad doing?!" The Black haired captain yelled as both flew me into the sky.

"MA SACRED TREASURE!! I NEED IT!" I screamed, as I got farther and farther away from the ground. "NOOOO!!!" I Screamed as I watched the shadow start swallowing my sacred treasure. "Sacred treasure! Harlequin's chasteful, first transfiguration!!" I commanded, causing my sacred treasure to turn into a pillow and fly up to me. I gripped it in my hands as I was taken higher into the air. Once we where high enough, the two captains let me go, so I floated on my pillow.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Both captains asked.
"Just peachy." I stated, petting my pillow.
"You aren't hurt are you?" The blond one asked.
"I said I'm fine gosh darners." I stated. "What're your name's again?" I asked.
"I'm Meliodas." The blond one said.
"Zeldris." the Black one stated.
"Yur brother's ain't ya." I stated.
"Yep!" Meliodas said excitedly.
"Yer Meliodas, Cap'n of tha Seven Deadly sins, and tha Sin of wrath, correct?" I asked.
"Correct!" Meliodas said.
"'nd yer Zeldris, Cap'n of tha Ten Commandments, the commandment of piety."
"Yep." Zeldris said, popping the 'p'.
"Just peachy. Gosh darn them sand berries." I cursed.
"What's got her panties in a twist?" Galand snickered.
"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER UNDERWEAR OR I'M GONNA TURN YOU INTO A TIN CAN!!!" Both captains yelled at the pink, armor clad, commandment causing him to gulp in fear.
"Sir Meliodas?" Elisabeth called.
"What?" Meliodas asked.
"What about the battle?" She asked.
"Well...Zeldris?" Meliodas asked.
"It seems we're at a draw." Zeldris answered.
"Why?" Elisabeth asked.
"Because we found our mate." The captains answered.
"Who?" Elisabeth asked, flipping her hair as if expecting them to say her name.
"Y/n." Both said, Zeldris clinging to my lower half as Meliodas did the same to my top half, causing me to stand upright.

She's Mine (Meliodas x Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now