Picking A Fight With The Wronge Person

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-Nobody's P.O.V.-

Y/n floated, a blush dusting her cheeks as Meliodas groped her boobs, Zeldris glaring at everyone from in between her legs.  It was silent as the information settled in then everything exploded.

"WHAT?!" The pink haired demon, Elisabeth, Ban, and Diane all yelled out.
"We already told you. She's our mate!" Meliodas and Zeldris yelled.
"No!" the pink haired demon and Elisabeth yelled.
"I don't care anymore. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt." Ban said.
"I'm so glad that I realized that King was my mate before this otherwise this would've hurt a lot." Diane grinned.
"No, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The Pinkett yelled.
"Melascula, shut up!" Derieri growled.
"But Derderi!" Melascula whined.
"No cuts, no buts, no coconuts." Derieri said.
"Who knew Derieri could be so-so blunt?!" Galand laughed.
"But Sir Meliodas~" Elisabeth whined.
"Hay, you heard the Captain." Diane stated, a hand on her hip.
"But Sir Meliodas is suppose to be mine!" Elisabeth growled, magic swirling around her.
"Meliodas, Zeldris, get off." Y/n said, trying to get the little short stacks off.
"But Y/n~" They whined.
"I said off!" Y/n growled, throwing both demons off of her body.
"Why you bitch!" Elisabeth screamed, throwing magic attack after magic attack at her.

Y/n just stood there and took hit after hit after hit. Elisabeth stopped when she could no longer see her target, giving Y/n the time she needed to change her pillow back into a shield. She than fell to the ground, creating a large crater when she landed. Elisabeth got angrier at the fact that Y/n didn't seem to be taking damage, so she started shooting more spells at Y/n not realizing that she was only hitting a clone. The real Y/n was sitting several feet away from the clone, watching each attack and memorizing them.

"WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY! YOUR JUST AN ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE!" Elisabeth screamed, and that ticked of Y/n.
"Bitch." Y/n said from under her breath. "Yo, Elisabitch!" Y/n called, causing Elisabeth to turn toward her. "Ya sure ya wanna be fighten me? Cause I ain't gonna be holden back. Ya hear?" Y/n called.
"Yes. Lets fight. Whoever wins gets Sir Meliodas." Elisabeth growled.
"Fine b' me." Y/n said in her southern drawl.

Elisabeth tried her combo attack again, but due to the fact that Y/n had already seen it she dodged it easily. Elisabeth hissed, and shot more attacks at Y/n but, no matter what, they never hit their target. It was like Y/n knew exactly what Elisabeth was going to do before Elisabeth knew herself. This continued for a good 5 minutes, but soon Y/n was getting bored.

"Is that all ya got, Elisabitch?" Y/n asked, yawning.
"NOT AT ALL!" Elisabeth screamed. She waived her arms up, summoning an alarming amount of power, and threw the giant ball of energy at Y/n.
"Now that's more like it." Y/n smirked.

The giant ball of condensed energy and magic power came rushing at her making her grin in a slightly crazy way. Pulling her shield in front of her, Y/n was prepared to block it when she noticed it headed straight for Zeldris. Y/n's eyes widened as her body moved on its own. Dropping her shield, Y/n ran as fast as she could and used her body as a shield to protect Zeldris. The ball of energy then exploded.

Zeldris had flinched, waiting for the attack to hit, but it never did. Still dazed, Zeldris moved his arms down only for his eyes widened in horror at the sight in front of him. Y/n was on her knees, Her body shielding his own, blood pouring from a large wound on her back, her e/c eyes dull. Her y/h/l h/c hair fallen around her face, as blood dripped from her mouth.

"Y-y/n?" Zeldris asked, moving his hands to cup her face. "C-come on Y-Y/n. Th-this isn't funny." He said, shaking her slightly as tears pooled in his eyes.
"Z-zeldris. Stand back." Y/n mumbled, wobbling as she stood.
"Y/n-" Meliodas gasped.
" 'm fine." Y/n said, turning to face Elisabeth.
"H-how are you still alive?!" Elisabeth gasped, horror painted on her face.
"You better hope I'm feeling merciful because this just got personal." Y/n growled.

Summoning her sacred treasure, Y/n closed her eyes and let her magic free. It swirled around her, her clothes changing to that of the Goddess race, two beautiful white wings sprouted from her back. She looked so angelic, yet deadly due to the fact that her clothes and wings were stained with blood.

Everyone was in awe as she raised her hand above her head and slashed it down at a side angle. A second later Elisabeth screamed as a cut appeared on her body. It ran from her right shoulder to her left hip and burned like hell.

"Never try hurting Zeldris or Meliodas again or I will give you the worst punishment alive." Y/n threatened before changing back into her usual form and passing out.

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