Chapter 12

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Karlie shut her eyes tight. A few moments later she opened them and the figure was gone. She was also able to move again. She was covered in sweat, breathing heavily. Karlie was in a panic.Taylor awoke hearing this. Her eyes opened wider when she noticed the girl panicking. Taylor quickly sat up. " What's wrong?" She asked in concern.

"T-the figure....from the woods. H-he was standing right there." Karlie cried. Taylor looked horrified at this, cradling the girl in her arms and shushing her soothingly. As she did this she began humming a melodic tune. It was dreamy and soothing. It helped Karlie calm down. "What if he tries to kill me? Us? If it kills you I wouldn't know what to do." Karlie said. "Oh Kare Bear." Taylor pouts.

Taylor leans in placing a soft kiss on Karlie's lips, giving the girl butterflies. Every time Karlie tasted Taylor's sweet lips it was as if it was for the first time. "We can't keep living like this. I'm going to get to the bottom of this." Karlie says staring ahead in determination.

Karlie sits at the table with her laptop scrolling the internet on ghosts, demons, shadow people, or anything paranormal hoping to find what she saw. Taylor stands over her massaging her shoulders watching her browse.

After about 30 minutes Karlie discovers something. "Aha! Here it is!" Taylor leans in to get a closer look. "Mortimer Black?" Taylor asks. "That's right. Looks like him doesn't it?" Karlie asks. "I don't know. He moved so fast that night in the woods I didn't really get a good look." Taylor replied.

"Apparently he was born in the late 1800s and grew up to be a serial killer. It says he stalked his victims until he had decided to kill them or they'd go insane eventually killing themselves. They eventually caught him and hung him in the woods by the campground." Karlie says as she grabs a notepad scribbling a few things down. "My goodness!" Taylor says making a shocked "o" face. "But you needn't worry princess. If I follow these directions correctly he'll be banished back to wherever he came from in no time." Karlie said with a smile.

"Princess?" Taylor asked raising an eyebrow and forming a smirk. "Yeah, you are." Karlie winks, blushing. "Then I guess that means you're my knight in shining boy shorts" Taylor replies flirty looking down at what the girl was wearing. Karlie's face turns red. Taylor climbs onto Karlie's lap running her hands through her hair kissing Karlie's lips and the area along her neck.

Karlie runs her hands along the material of Taylor's nightgown then running them along the girl's smooth legs. Taylor begins grinding against Karlie sending a wave of pleasure through her body. The kiss had grown passionate as their tongues explore each other's mouths.

That evening, they had already gone to the store to get the proper materials they needed. A Daisy, salt, a red candle, a drawing of the entity (which looked like crap but Karlie tried her best), a knife the recited words she had written on a sheet of paper. Karlie drew a salt circle in the backyard.

"Are you sure this is everything?" Taylor asked seeming nervous. "That's what it said." Karlie replied. Karlie motioned for Taylor to step in the circle which she did. "Does this mean we're like witches now?" Taylor asked excitedly. Karlie looked at her shaking her head trying to hold back a smile. "I don't think so babe." She replied.

"Repeat after me." Karlie instructed. Karlie recited a few lines and Taylor repeated the words. Karlie holds out her hand making a small cut on it letting the blood fall onto the daisy. She hands Taylor the knife. "Eeeew." Taylor says making a small cut in her own hand and letting it bleed onto the daisy. A few moments later there was a gust of wind. Karlie grabbed Taylor's hands holding them.

Karlie's eyes widen when she sees the familiar entity. She looks horrified. Taylor sees this. "Karlie, I trust you. You made this circle to keep us from harm. And I know you will protect us. I love you." Taylor says trying to hide her fear. They recite the chant again. The horrifying lanky figure starts to stalk toward them. Karlie is shaking in horror but that doesn't stop her.

She suddenly hears it release a horrifying wailing noise. They both shut their eyes. The laughing grows louder and louder. Karlie shirts her eyes tighter. She recites in as loud as she can until the wailing stops. The wind has even steadied. She opens her eyes. The figure is gone. The candle has gone out. Taylor still has hers shut. She looks so peaceful like this.

"Kare he gone?" Taylor asks, still afraid to open her eyes. "Yeah princess. He is." Karlie replies smiling. The girl opens her eyes revealing those beautiful blue orbs. Karlie felt butterflies and happiness. Taylor's eyes light up as she brings Karlie into a hug. Karlie wraps her arms around the girl's waist. "Finally." Karlie whispers. She felt at peace.

"But it's a sin Karlie!!! A sin!!" Her mother screamed at her. Karlie's father stood at the counter with his arms folded. He didn't look her in the eye. "But you don't understand, I love her!" Karlie cried. Her eyes were full of tears. Karlie's mother laughed at this. "Love her?!  Are you kidding me?! She's a girl Karlie! A girl!" Her mother screamed.

"That's it! You will not live under my roof and continue to live this lifestyle! I forbid it!" Her father screamed slamming his fist against the counter. Karlie was heartbroken to hear this. But she had known it was going to happen. "Well, I trusted you guys. I told you...and this how you react. I understand." Karlie said disappointedly. She ran upstairs grabbing her already packed suitcase and going back downstairs.

"Wait, just a minute! Where do you think you're going young lady?" Her father said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Who the hell is that?" Karlie's mother asked. Karlie places her suitcase down opening the door. Her heart melts when she sees Taylor standing there with a blue vintage dress, signature red lipstick and an acoustic guitar. "Taylor!" Karlie cries happily. "Is that that counselor from the camp?" Her mother asks.

"Hey Karl's, in honor of us moving in together, I wrote you a song to tell you how much I love you. It's called Gorgeous." Taylor says sweetly smiling a beautiful smile that gave Karlie butterflies. "What is the meaning of this?!!" Karlie's father asked. When Taylor started singing Karlie thought she'd melt.

"Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you've ruined my life, by not being mine. You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face." The blonde sang. The more she sang the more Karlie could feel herself falling for her. How had all of this happened? And at a summer camp. She had found the love of her life.

When Taylor finished the song she winked at Karlie making her blush. "I've had enough of this, Karlie if you still want a family, I order you to get back in this house now!" Her father demanded. Her mother looked scared. Karlie looks back and forth between Taylor and her parents. The longer it takes the more frightened Taylor looks and her smile disappears. Karlie steps in the house grabbing her suitcase and returning outside to join Taylor.

"Kare Bear." Taylor says as her face lights up. "I love you Taylor." Karlie whispers. They rest their foreheads together. The door slams shut leaving them both outside alone. This disappoints Karlie, but she had been prepared for this. She hoped that one day they would come around and accept her for who she was.

"I love you too Karlie." Taylor replies rescuing the girl from her thoughts. Karlie rolled her suitcase incone hand and takes Taylor's hand in the other as they make their way to the car.

"Taylor puts on a pair of cat eye sunglasses making her look even more glamorous than she already did. Karlie's heart sped up faster just looking at the bombshell. Taylor turned on the radio. "Your best American girl" by Mitski was playing. Taylor looked over at Karlie and smiled. "Are you ready?" She asked. "Of course I am princess." Karlie replied before the sped off. Taylor mouths the words to Karlie glancing over at her and smiling ever once in a while, serenading her.

Karlie felt content. She was excited for this new chapter of her life. Finally she could say that she was truly living in her dreams. And everything was wonderful.

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