ch 3 (rewrite)

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Jimin POV

as i held yoongis hand i couldnt help but think about how soft it was. it was a surpise to me but i had no problem with it.his hand felt like cotton even though it looked anything but so. I had to get another look at his hand seeing how smooth the skin looked but yet still had that one vein that coursed over the hand.

looking up i saw a confused yoongi and decided its best leaving my distracted thoughts and taking him to a more safe room.

knowing things crazy like killing people was normal in this building i walked over the bodys knowing someone whould clean it up. it was a sad feeling knowing that i worked with some of these people but i had yet to meet any one to get attached. I felt like it would be best for me to NOT get attached. 

taking a right i could hear the silence as a white noise, as in ringing filled the air. it was that silent. i didnt have the guts to say anything and continued dragging the boy, now taking a left.we walked 20 secondes more before i was met with the door i wanted to enter. I opened it with my key card and slipped the boy in. 

before I could even make it a second away the one and only creature of the night, yoongi had me in his grip preesing me against the closest wall.

"Were do you think your going?"

So I have redone my book alittle I'm still working on some things but ill get it done soon! have a great day lovelys

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