2/19/19 11:11

6 0 0

hey losers it's me ya boy starting this late into the year

but uh how you doing?

oh btw i'm still working on the newest tft chap but i'm having some writers block so ye

anYwho not the point of this, it's for my thoughts to share

let's start!~

alright so i'm kind of mad at myself cause there's this kid in my math class, let's call him Cutie as a nickname for this, anywho Cutie is as you may guessed it, cute.

i'm mad at myself because i like Cutie

and i don't really want to

but uh it's mainly because his personality

but i got these bracelets that was one mainly white with one black bead and the other being black with one white bead, kind of like a ying and yang thing

so i wore them to school and Cutie tried on the black one during math and we both forgot so basically now he has my other matching bracelet

and at this point i'm like yikes we are wearing matching bracelets but i didnt really mind it

fast forward a day later and it's winter formal, a dance thing, and i happen to know Cutie is going to this dance

so whatever we show up and eventually we end up in the same group and low and behold Cutie is wearing that matching bracelet and so am I

and i thought he got mad at me cause i was jumping to shots and he was trying to tell me that someone like shit on the floor

and i was like aksndndj what

you know i was supposed to be that emotional support and i was busy dancing to shots

uh yeah and ya girl got his phone number today so ;')

yeah but mostly the part where he wore that bracelet to winfo is keeping me up at night, cause like you know why would he wear it


i don't even know

and he always says "love you" in sign language to me during math and stuff like that

like if we insult eachother we sign back "sorry love you"


my life is in shambles

and uh i couldn't sleep last night cause i was thinking about that idiot (::


my homeboy is in my art class and he's got a girlfriend but she lives like two hours away

and idk things get very tense between us

like i don't know if it's flirting (it's probably not) or more like a teasing relationship

like today he slapped me with a hat on the stairs and we both almost fell down

oh yeah he also calls me cutie a lot but along with the rest of our table so pretty gucci

but i'm pretty sure that's just more a teasing friend relationship

goSh i suck at relationships

uh that's all i got for tonight cause Cutie is on my mind and i probably won't sleep :))

peace out my spaghetti lovers


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