2/20/19 11:43

6 0 0

yonk here i am

okay so y'all know i read some webtoons like age matters and true beauty

you know they romance or whatever

but that gets me thinking about Cutie

and i get to see him tomorrow cause today we had a snow day

anywho i also remembered that he's on my friends soccer team meaning i'll see him a lot at tournaments cause my mom and my friends mom are really close friends

meaning ill be there watching his game stuff

also once i looked over during math right

and on his phone he was watching a video of me

i'm like akdnnddb what is that

and turns out he got it from that friend on his soccer team

and i'm like DUDE WHAT

i'm about to confront this friend but i don't ride the bus anymore cause my sister got a car and she can drive

idk like i've been friends with this dude for ages and i mean literal ages

we've known eachother basically since birth and who knows what kind of videos and photos he's got of young me

also that friend is a triplet and i'm close friends with his two sisters and i know that they have hella embarrassing videos of from the bus and soccer season

long story short; i kinda wanna die


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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