[chapter one]

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For any questions you may have regarding the old version of [with you] and why it was taken down or why there are new scenes, you can go to my tumblr and read this post: https://stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale.tumblr.com/post/188119348555/hi-i-noticed-with-you-isnt-on-ao3-anymore. If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message on there.

Anyway, this is the first revamped chapter of [with you] and I hope y'all enjoy it! Thank you for reading! :D


A supply run to the train stationed was a spur of the moment decision.

While finishing up their morning hunting trip- checking and resetting traps, hunting adult rabbits and capturing any babies for their ever-growing rabbit farm- it seemed their duties were done. Just as they were ready to head back, Louis mentioned it wasn't too far away.

"Up for a little adventure?"

Given that they've torn the place apart, Clementine wasn't sure if it's really an adventure to travel that way anymore, but AJ was more than willing to go back and look around.

She figured it wouldn't be so awful to go and collect anything they might've missed from their previous trips, though she felt this was more of an excuse to stay out longer, to enjoy the cool air and each other's company.

Aasim deemed it a waste of time, choosing to take back everything they collected and meet up with Mitch and Willy, mumbling something about repairing one of the gates.

Up ahead, but not too far, Louis tells some crazy, exaggerated story as AJ hangs on to every word. Something about Aasim and a shark, she gathers. It's ridiculous enough to make her rolls her eyes but smile all the same, especially when AJ calls him out on absurd details.

"Aasim doesn't have a peg leg!"

"Or does he? Tell me this, has anyone actually ever seen Aasim's bare leg? No, and that's because it's a peg stuffed into a boot."

"No, it's not!"

Clementine spots a walker lingering in the trees from the corner of her eye, its head twitching with interest at the sound of the boys' laughter.

It's the first one she's spotted today, likely due to James doing his part of their arrangement.

They worked out a decent system when first offering him a place to stay; anywhere they plan to hunt or scavenge, they let James know in advance so he can gather and lead stray walkers away, making trips a lot easier and quicker. In exchange, he's welcome to stay in a room and eat with them whenever he wants.

He rarely stays multiple nights in a row, but Clementine's glad to see him and the others get along when he does stick around.

She picks up a large rock and chucks it. The walker follows the noise with a low gurgle.

The decrepit train station is empty.

The dead couple remains as left; slumped over, tied to their chairs, and still holding hands.

They try and gather as much as they can, like salvageable, leftover food hidden beneath the trap door, duct tape and a few bandages. Clementine finds a working lighter beneath the table, stuffing it in her pocket as heavy thump vibrates behind her.

"Oh-ho!" Louis calls out from behind the counter. "Looks like I found your secret stash."

Clementine quirks a brow, leaning over the counter to peer down at him. He flashes her a bright smile and waves a beaten up chocolate bar.

"Seriously?" When she tries to reach for it, he teasingly jerks it away.

"I don't think so, darling," he pockets the bar. "Gotta save stuff like that for a special occasion."

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