[chapter two]

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When the sun's rays begin to bleed out over the school, Clementine's up and determined to find James.

AJ's already up, walking around on patrol or helping Omar with breakfast, she assumes.

Just as she's finishing up the laces of her boots, warmth runs across her back. With most of his face sunken into the pillow, Louis watches her through groggy, lidded eyes as his hand slips over her shoulder, down her arm, and grabs her wrist.

"Come back to bed, Darling."

Brushing a dread away from his face, she grins.

"Can't," she says softly. "I'm going out to find James."

"Hmm," he sighs. "Be careful."


She leans over to press a light kiss on his cheek, pulling the blankets back over his shoulders. "Go back to sleep."

He doesn't need to be told twice, eyes drooping shut as he snuggles closer into his pillows, curling in on himself.

She leaves him in bed, figuring that he'll sleep in another couple of hours, long enough for her to find James and ask him for help.

The outside air nips at her skin uncomfortably, yet another sign of fall's ever-looming presence this time of year- chilly in the morning, sunny and agreeable during the day, chilly at night.

Soon, it'll be cold every moment, night and day.

Omar's cutting up fresh rabbit meat while AJ sturs the boiling stew with impeccable concentration. Mitch and Willy occupy one of the tables, tinkering with a broken flashlight.

"You're sure you put the batteries in right?" Willy asks, leaning over Mitch's workspace. "Maybe they're backward."

"They're not," Mitch scoffs, beating the light against his palm. "I know how batteries work."

"Yeah, but sometimes you don't look-"

"They're not backward."

Willy holds up his hands in mock surrender, backing away and biting his lip to suppress laughter from Mitch's grumbles.

Omar watches the boys, giving a usual roll of his eyes before depositing the rest of the rabbit into the stew, patting AJ's shoulder.

"Not too fast," he says, and AJ slows down, going at a more even pace in his stirring.

"Smells good," Clementine says, inhaling the ever-growing scent of breakfast as she approaches. "You showing Omar how it's done?"

"Yep," AJ grins. "He's a pretty fast learner."

"Taught me everything I know," Omar plays along with a shake of his head and another roll of his eyes. "Now, which spices do we use, master chef?"

While they're figuring out what to season the stew with, Clementine decides she doesn't have much time for breakfast. The morning has left her with a nervous stomach, one that shouldn't be tampered with lest she becomes sick.

"I'm heading out to find James," she announces. "I haven't seen him around and I want to make sure he's okay out there."

Mitch perks up, all attention on the flashlight now shifted to Clementine. He pushes back from the table and approaches her, asking, "You taking someone with you?"

"No, I'll be fine alone."

"No," AJ immediately protests, "you never go alone! That's the number one rule."

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