Ochaka Uraraka's Haunted House

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"I don't care about what you do for this years cultural festival. Just as long as it isn't something that I have to help with okay?"

Shota Aizawa then collapsed to the floor in his yellow sleeping bag as his class erupted into chatter.


"Shut up Mineta!"

"Let's change things around a bit and make this something to be in the books as the best U.A can provide!"

"Plus Ultra!"

"What's something they wouldn't expect Class-A to do, but would still be a classic?!"

Ochaka Uraraka felt a zap strike into her mind.

"What about a haunted house!"

People gradually noticed the idea.

"Yeah! This'll show Monoma!"

"We couldn't do anything like this at the summer camp! It's our turn this time!"

"Great idea Uraraka! I, myself am not good at scaring others. However, with the U.A standards set high by our seniors we must try to achieve!"

Iida chopped his hand dangerously close to her head while Uraraka sheepishly rubbed her head.

Until she noticed Midoriya who looked down with a shadow over his eyes, shaking as if he was remembering something which should have never happened.

"What's wrong Deku? Are you okay?!"

He looked back at them with a pale face sporting two sunken eyes.

"What's wrong Midoriya! Should I transfer you to the infirmary?!"

His shaking stopped and fist unclenched.


Uraraka didn't believe it for one second. She grasped her hands over his shoulders and shook mildly in case he had somehow broken a bone.

"What is it?!"

He looked down to the floor.

"I'm... really bad with being jump scared..."

Uraraka felt her laughter burst out.

"You'll be the one scaring so I think it'll be okay! Do not fret Midoriya, I shall (stop laughing Uraraka it's a perfectly reasonable reaction!) watch to make sure you don't fall victim to any silly pranks!"


It was finally the night of their performance!

Well, not exactly night, but still!

Yaoyorozu and Iida were bound by their duties as class representatives to greet whoever were to come in.

Shoji, Aoyama, and Mina worked as both the make up specialists and jump scared those who'd enter by the front. Uraraka thought they made a pretty good trio at that.

Jirou hid at the end with a camera to get a picture of fright from whoever was to chase victims out.

Tokoyami might have gotten a bit to carried away with decorations in Uraraka's option however. They'd all been dressed up in some of the many capes which hung around his closet.

Meanwhile the rest of them had been split into different areas to scare people in. Uraraka privately believed that she had gotten a good placing while poor Midoriya had to be close to the beginning.

Finally she heard her first scream of the night.

It echoed out across the maze they'd made from all the spare materials U.A had lying about.

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