Irina's Ultimatum

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Chapter Seventeen: Irina’s Ultimatum

The Summer Palace

Republic of Krakozhia Presidential Residence

Ibklask, Krakozhia

October 20, 2008 2117 Krakozhian time (October 21 0117 Rivymiyitevko time)

Chairman Timofey Andropov of the Committee for State Security had seen to the successful transfer of the Rivymiyitevko biological weapon from the Spetsnaz troopers who captured it to the Eighth (Scientific) Directorate of the KGB four days ago, but he had declined to tell the Politburo until now, even though most, if not all of them, already knew of the capture.

“It looks like LIBERATORS is advancing pretty well,” said President Irina Adzhitekova to start the meeting. “What is the situation, comrades?”

Marshal Oleg Dallutev stifled a yawn, then turned to his aide and said, “Grisha, the map, please.” He laid down a large map of Rivymiyitevko on the table, with red and blue shapes and arrows dotting the surface. “The blue shapes represent our forces and all of the territory that we had captured as of yesterday,” he said. “The red shapes are the rebel troops and all of the territory they still have. As you can see, most of the red is clustered around Sonolovichyrevko. The red arrows represent rebel attacks on our positions. The 100th Motor Rifle Division has been bogged down by the Western Rivymiyitevko Army in Dosservich, while the 386th Motor Rifle Division is suffering the same situation in Ibrotich against the Eastern Rivymiyitevko Army. Meanwhile, the 50th Motor Rifle Division is waiting to move against the Capital Rivymiyitevko Army, which now includes the Democratic Revolution Corps troops that were not deployed to other areas of the island. Their immediate target is the town of Sevenivov, as well as the Sevenivov Research Institute. They are waiting for your order to move out, Comrade President.”

“Speaking of Sevenivov,” Adzhitekova interrupted, “Comrade Chairman, is it true that the RIM had come close to developing a weapon that could devastate the Republic as we know it?”

Andropov checked his notes and said, “I am sorry, Comrade President, but the rumors are true. The Rivymiyitevko Independence Movement came very close to developing a biological weapon that they could use against us. My Scientific Directorate is currently examining said biological agent, which was captured by Spetsnaz troopers who infiltrated the Sevenivov Research Institute four days ago. The men responsible for developing the weapon are being interrogated by both the Foreign and Internal Directorates.”

“The Foreign Directorate, I understand,” said one of the Politburo candidate members, “but why bring in the Internal Directorate into this? I thought the scientists who developed this weapon were Russian.”

“I don’t know, too,” replied Andropov in a tone dripping with threats. “Why don’t you ask the Chief of the Internal Directorate?”

“Anyway,” Adzhitekova said, before the Politburo candidate pushed the final nail into his coffin, “Marshal Dallutev, will the delays of the 100th and 386th Motor Rifles affect the schedule of LIBERATORS?”

“Actually, Comrade President, we still have a few days to spare to consolidate our forces in accordance to the plan,” replied Dallutev. “By that time, the 100th and 386th Motor Rifles would have already taken Dosservich and Ibrotich respectively. If not, we can get the 224th Motor Rifle Division, which he have placed in reserve in Renechev, to support the 50th Motor Rifles for the charge to Sonolovichyrevko, and we could confuse the rebels by staging two landings near Uflaniv and Yeralenko. For this, we can use the 2nd Field Regiment.

"Before we charge into Sonolovichyrevko, however, I suggest either an aerial or naval bombardment on the city to eliminate as much military structures like bunkers and command centers as possible. That way, we can charge into Sonolovichyrevko with little or no opposition and catch the rebels by surprise. For this, I turn to Comrades Admiral Domovich and General Drulyenko. Comrades?"

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