【 ➳ ❛ bad at feelings ❜ 】

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【 ❛ bad at feelings ❜ 】

【►✎... published :: 23/2/2019 】

【►✎... word count :: 1323 】




wow this took me way too long and I still think it turned out like shit

oh well, enjoy i guess

au/s:: short!Shouto 'cause he is so adorable and the world needs more of him

art by:: mitsou parker




Todoroki Shouto was in a bit of a dilemma. His emotions were causing him trouble, but then again when weren't they?

He shouldn't be feeling like this and he knows it. These feelings shouldn't be troubling him, they shouldn't have formed in the first place. However, he let them. He ignored them for so long, surrpressed them in the darkest part of his mind and tried to forget they were there in the first place. That was the biggest mistake he made in this situation.

It all started with a dream, a very strange dream he had one night. Well at least strange for his standards. The dream started off normally, he was expecting it to be another nightmare, but it wasn't. It was almost worse to him.

It was an innocent dream in which he and Bakugou just so happened to be dating. Bakugou was playing some video game while Todoroki was playing with his hair. Eventually it ended with the two on Bakugou's bed, cuddling and laughing. That was the first thing that confused him.

Why? Why was he dreaming that? Why Ka-Bakugou? Why him? He had never felt anything towards him, besides the occasional annoyance from his yelling, so why was he dreaming about them being boyfriends and cuddling? He brushed it off and continued with his life, expecting it to just go away.

However, it didn't.

He began acting out on his feelings with small, almost unnoticeable, things that he ignored. At first it was small glances every now and again. Harmless right? Not. Eventually, he started staring at him in class, forgetting he was in public and could be seen by everyone. One time Aizawa caught him and called him out in front of the class. Safe to say that was one of the worst days in his UA career.

Then he started getting distracted while training, staring at Bakugou's sweaty body and the training uniform that clung onto his body, accentuating his muscles. Todoroki would be lying if he said he hadn't felt his cheeks turn warm everytime. At first he thought it was something to do with his quirk. Maybe it was messing with him or something? What if something was wrong with him?

Oh how he wished that were the case.

Soon he realized his quirk wasn't the problem. The butterflies in his stomach he felt everytime the blonde did so much as look at him and the way his heartbeat got faster whenever they were around each other just couldn't be a result of either of his quirks.

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