Martin pov

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Today I was getting some new neighbors. Yay. Note the sarcasm. All I hope for is a girl my age, that's beautiful, smart, and confident. Yeah I know. A lot to ask for isn't it. Any way, I'm martijn garretsen. 18 years old. Or as people, who know me as a
Dj, call me martin garrix. Yup that's right. I'm an EDM dj. Anyway enough about me!

I was currently working on a new song, when I heard a car pull up in the driveway of the house next to mine. Yes! A girl that's looks my age gets out of the car. Then I hear a quiet knock on my door.

I go downstairs and open it to see a small girl who looks about 7 at my door. "Why hello there. And who might you be?" I said to her.

"Oh I'm Charlotte! My big sister told me to go inside but I didn't" "hmm. Well I will take you too her. Sound good?" I asked her with a smile.

Damn, I love kids. She nods her head and I take her over to the house next to mine.

"Charlie! There you are!" "Sadie!"

"Hi. Um she was at my door so I brought her to you." "thanks! Omg I have been looking all over for her!" She said.

" so. Would you like to come over to my house for tea?" I asked her. Tea isn't manly, but hey, she's a girl so I guess it works.

"Sure!" she said with a smile.

We went over to my house, and I made her tea. I swear I'm not British. Just a childish Dutch dude who just really likes tea!

We talked for an hour or two, about where we are both from, what we do, and other things, until she said she had to leave, so we said bye and I gave her my number.

---Sadie pov---
Omg! The martin garrix lives next to me! And his accent oh. my. gawd.

I kept it cool in front of him, and acted like I didn't know who he was. I'm honestly a huge fan! Not huge like, having pictures all around my walls or all of his merch.

And now we get to hang out together! That's amazing.

R: Robert (HARDWELL) s: Sadie
R: hey little sis.
S: sup Rob. Whats up?
R: just wanted to talk to you!
S: cmon. Tell me!
R: ok... Um I need you to come down to France. Like now.
S: Ok...
R: when you get there I will tell you why.
S: uh ok bye
R: bye
That was so weird...
(Btw, Robert (hardwell) is her brother. Martin doesn't know...)

I get on the plane, and find my seat. Thus should be fun... Yeah... Roberts surprises are usually pranks or sometimes, good. Sometimes.

Thanks for reading and I promise it will get better!
Instagram: garrix_animals21
Twitter: grier_rivera23
Tumblr: xxtacogrierxx
Kik: frantasticcato2l camdallasbae123

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