Martin pov

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1 month later

Me, Sadie, and Rob were on our plane to another show, called tomorrowworld in Atlanta, Georgia, that we were all doing.

"Hey Sadie. How is your music going?" I ask her.
She responds with " good. Rob has been helping me a lot."

She points to Robert, who is sleeping in a very weird position. We laugh when we see him like that.

1 hour later

Me and Sadie were currently working on a song we were doing together. We decided on calling it virus, and Sadie would do the vocals for it.

When every hour it could be the last why would we wait

why would we wait

And every road it could be unsafe but we'll be okay we'll make it

we'll make it

Just who we are say where to go

I know that I won't slow down

Just who we are

yeah we will do anything we dream about

How about now

how about now

how about now

how about now

She sang so beautifully. "How was that?" She asked me. And of course my answer was, "amazing."

She blushed and said thank you. We continued editing the song until she said she was going to sleep.

When she went to sleep, I looked at her. Her golden brown hair. Her blue eyes. Her long eyelashes. Everything. Was just beautiful.

And I decided that tonight, I would take her to dinner, and ask her out...

-Sadie pov-

I woke up about 2 hours later, and saw that martin was working on his laptop.

"Hey martin." "Hey. Oh we land in about 20 minutes. And Rob is still asleep, in the same weird position..." He told me and we both burst out laughing.

"Um sadie?" "Yeah?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight?" "Ok." I said with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't help it! "Oh and dress casual" I nodded my head after he said that.

We landed 20 minutes later and Rob was STILL asleep. Me and martin decided to pour water on him, so we did. And it was hilarious!

"What the hell!?" He said as he jumped up and hit his head on the ceiling of the plane.

Me and Martin burst out laughing and Rob was giving us a dirty look mixed with a smile, he couldn't help but laugh too.

"I will get both of you back for that" he said and me and Martin just laughed harder.

We all got off the plane, and waited for all the other DJ planes. We waited for Nicky Romero, zedd, tiesto, dyro, Steve aoki, and many more.

When they all got here, we went to our hotel that everyone is staying at, and got settled in.

I got to my room, which I was sharing with martin, and got ready for our dinner date. I mean, I guess it's a date.

Martin was up in Rob and Nicky's room doing whatever he was doing.

I finished getting ready 5 minutes before martin came in. He was wearing a white tshirt, jeans, and a leather jacket with his black nikes.

And I was wearing the same black nikes, which we found out we both had a week ago, a black fuzzy north face jacket, jeans, and a pink shirt, with my hair curled.

I have to say, we both looked good!

"Wow. You look, wow!" Martin said and I just blushed.

We linked arms together and walked out the door.

When we got to the restaurant, we sat down and the waitress came over to take our order.

"Hi. What may I get you both to eat tonight?" She said while eyeing martin the whole time. Probably eye fucking him. Martin didn't seem the least bit interested in her.

We ordered, and she left to get our food. We talked for a while, then our food came.

"I need to ask you something Sadie." I responded with "Go ahead."

"Um. Ok. Well, ever since you moved in next to me, I thought you were the most beautiful girl ever. And I still think that. I love your personality, your laugh, everything. All I'm saying is, will you, be my girlfriend?"

I started tearing up, and said "yes!" That was amazing!

He smiled and we both reached over to kiss Eachother. It was the most magical moment ever!

We finished up our dinner and went back to the hotel. When we got there we both got ready for bed.

After that, we put on some Edm music, and got ready for tomorrow.

"I love you Sadie" "I love you martin" I told him, and with that we both fell asleep.

Instagram: garrix_animals21
Twitter: grier_rivera23
Tumblr: xxtacogrierxx
Kik: frantasticcato2l camdallasbae123

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