Beneath the Stars

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A/N: a quick visual of what Requin looks like. also run his name through google translate in french to get my little joke. it's nothing bad, Plate. also, the AU is where Earth has been flooded and humans survive by hunting fish or have evolved/been turned into Sirens like Requin. They choose a new name when they are turned and they most often will choose a name representing their species.

Warning: Gore and cursing, ya know the drill. don't like don't read.
I will be putting up warnings for gore and such more often, as I haven't done so in the past.

I beat my tail as fast as I could, snapping my tailfin down and up in my frantic scramble to get away. I could hear the high-pitched calls, little clicks but enough to let me know he was still chasing me through the icy, pitch black waters of the Arctic channels. 

He has to rely on sonar, because his species is a Tiger Shark, tint;gold. Our Species and our tint; sort of decide how rare/valuable on the black market of humans we are. They hunt and sell us for sport. I swirl around a corner, leaving a trail of bubbles as my gills work overtime to filter the burning cold water. 

My pale blue scales flash in the light, their once barely white color reflecting a myriad of little rainbows in the pale moonlight. I hear his sonar stop for a moment, and know he's caught sight of me. The ice is thinner here, so of course he'd have seen the flash of my scales.

I swirl around yet another corner, snapping my spine sharply to the left so I don't cut my tail on the jagged stone of the submerged buildings here. This used to be Sitka, Alaska. The light cuts off in here, because the roof managed to stay intact. Mostly, there's a few corners of this old building that the light shines into in perfect little rays that reveal the floating jellyfish and chunks of ice.

I fold my tailfin under myself to minimize the chance of my scales flashing again, and still my heartbeat as well as my breath. His shadow flashes past the opening, before I hear rapid sonar clicks and he floats back into view. I forgot about his sonar, dammit.

Now I'm screwed if I try to run. He'll see me and trust me for all my ability, I cannot outswim him, not in here. I only got away outside because I had a headstart and the water was much darker so he had to rely solely on sonar.

He cuts idly through the water, moving slowly to torture me into panicking and bolting. I know this, so I stay still and bundle myself up even more as I hear the soft snick of his currentblade being drawn.

We call our blades currentblades because the minerals found in the surrounding rock of the metals are the same rich plankton and microorganisms as in the currents tracing the water above the ore lines. 

His gaze swept the room, alighting on me. I knew he saw me, I saw the faint flash of light in his predatory eyes. It was the same flare of golden light I saw every time he caught a seal or fish in his claws. 

I was prey to him now, and nothing but. His tail snapped fiercely from left to right, launching his lithe form halfway across the room in one burst. He kept me from bolting by pressing the currentblade against my neck so that if I darted it would slit my throat wide open and my semi-opaque crystalline blood would pour into the water for him to taste and drink.

I'd seen him do the same to traitors when he was executioner, before we were both exiled, and afterwards to seals or birds he caught. They always snapped their bodies away and their blood would spill into the water.

Not everyone had different blood according to their tint;. Some had red blood regardless of tint; and others had blue blood. Warm tint; Siren, usually reds, pinks, oranges, and yellows, had red blood. Cool tint; Siren like blues, whites, grays, greens, and purples all had blue blood. Rare Monochrome tint; Siren had black blood to match the tint; of their tails.

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