I'll Run To The Moon

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{Two years later}

It was dark in the water here, darker than back in Alaska. Something darted through the water behind me, and I whirled around. My hair swung around my face in haphazard braids, pale white strands in the warmth of the water.

It poked its head out from behind an outcropping, and I recognized the dark hair and pale white-blue scales. 

He swam towards me, and I saw him in full detail. It was in fact Requin, his pale tail standing out just as much as my pale hair. It was rather comical, how opposite we were; his hair dark and scales pale, my hair pale and scales dark. 

He glanced around nervously as he swam over; an unfamiliar urgency in his movements. He slipped down his mask as he neared me, speaking in his now too familiar lisp. A friend of his had removed one of his tongues, and now whenever he spoke; if ever; it was with a notable lisp.

"Pleath, I need you to help me out. They took Thparrow."

The Hunters got Sparrow. Oh shit. That means they won't be far behind Requin. I held out my hand, grabbing his and pulling him behind me as I swam. After a moment, he gave up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders; curling his tail up against my back.

It took everything I had not to stop right there and kiss him. He was so adorable, so innocent despite his insane side, and I had seriously fallen for him; probably the most dangerous thing I'd done ever, considering how highly prized he was dead by Siren and human Hunters alike.

Alive he was worth a lot, sure, but dead they could cut him up and study him without any complaints from either side. I would be damned if I let that happen, not while I'm alive. He held on tighter as I dove sharply, trying to hit a depth the human Hunters wouldn't get to and that the Siren Hunters would give up at.

I spiraled, fluking my tail sharply and whirling into a building. I could tell by the residual warmth from a nearby vent that I'd hit the depth I'd been going for. At least we wouldn't freeze to death; we have the geothermal warmth from the vent. 

He let go, but only once I'd made sure the Siren Hunters chasing him had given up and swam on. I spun on him, grabbing his face in my hands and at first I yelled at him for being stupid enough to condemn Sparrow to a fate at the Hunter's hands.

When tears welled in his adorable pale black eyes, I gently wiped them away and kissed him. He squirmed for a second; obviously recalling my fangs and becoming frightened. I sighed, dropping the glamour I'd kept up since we'd met.

In all reality, my Species was a black goldfish, not the vampire fish I'd projected. He looked shocked when I drew back and he wasn't all cut up. His eyes flickered along the softer edges of my tail, along my feathered tailfin's edge. 

He hugged me tightly, and I wrapped my arms around him. Here, in this dark and unforgiving ocean, we had found each other.

A/N: This is s'posed to be the last chapter, but I figured I'd publish it early. 

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