Girlfriend? -4

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It's almost the end of the school year and your friend has been wanting you to get a boyfriend for a while. Of course you want one it's just that most of the guys at school are annoying or taken.

"Come on y/n. I've been shipping you with Ruel for so long know," your friend whispers loudly as you find your seats in class.

"Look. I used to like him a bit. Just a bit. But I don't know now. We don't talk and we know nothing about each other."

Your friend shoots you a look meaning that she's tired of your excuses. "Come on y/n. He's after someone right now but if that plan doesn't work out will you just let me try to get him to fall for you?"

You scrunch up your nose but reluctantly nod your head in agreement. "Fine." You can't exactly say wether or not you have a crush on him. He's cute and all but it's been a while since you guys have talked.

Not even a few classes after your friend rushes towards you all smiley. "Y/n guess what!!" You smile and look at her crazy. "I don't know," you laugh. "Why are you all happy all of a sudden?"

She opens her mouth but quickly decides against speaking. "All I can say is his plan went south so I brought you in," she says after a moment.

"What," you say confused. She shakes her head still smiling. "Just wait for it." You mouths quick ok and walk to the library with her instead of lunch.

"Hey y/n," Ruel yells as you step into the library. "Hey Ruel," you chuckle. You guys talk about random things when he starts getting all nervous.

"Um. Y/n I was wondering if. Um," he clears his throat and looks you in the out. "Would you go out with me?"

You look at him in shock. "As in me be your girlfriend?" He nods slowly knowing he'll get rejected.

"Yeah. Yeah I'd love to," you say smiling. He looks up from the floor and smiles back. Before he can do anything your friend runs and hugs the both of you.

"Yay! Now I'm complete knowing that my ship has sailed!"

You guys laugh and you and Ruel spend the rest of your lunch time talking.

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