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Hey everybody! Welcome to my new story! I've started writing this before but I'm starting it over. Anyway! Onto the character details!



Name: Kimiko Selene

Age: 14 (At the start)

Gender: Female

Birthday: August 14

Height: 5'10'' (177.8 Cm)

Hair Color: Shock white

Eye Color: None/White (No pupils)

Blood Type: AB-

Quirk: Personality Switch

Quirk Type: Mutant 

Quirk Description: With a single touch she takes a person's personality, traits, and a little bit of there quirk. Her pupil-less eyes turn the color of the person shes copying. Her hair also starts to fade into the person's she copying hair color. She can keep peoples personality's with her for a day at a time before she needs to touch the person again.

Quirk Downside: If she copies to many peoples personalities, the personalities can get mixed an confused. That could lead to her hurting herself with the borrowed quirks. Her quirk can basically turn on her if she uses it too much.

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