Chapter 1

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Castiel walked out of his apartment, his bag over his shoulder and tie messily hanging around his neck. There was a fresh breeze pushing back his dark hair and trenchcoat as he walked.

He entered the bakery after a few minutes of walking later.

Today felt like he was going to do something important. He felt decently happy today. He was going to march in there, get his coffee, and walk straight to classes. He looked at the strangers around him as the door jingled and a few heads swiveled towards him for a second or two before going back to whatever they were doing while they sat.

The blonde behind the counter leaned foward and smiled at Castiel warmly, her slightly wavy hair falling over her shoulders.

"Hey Cassie!"

Castiel sighed and looked up at the menu to find some form of occupying himself. He wasn't actually picking something, he always ordered the same medium black coffee.

"Hello Joanna"

"I said before that you could call me Jo"

"And I said before that you should call me by my full name, Castiel"


Jo stood upright again, smiled at Castiel, and hurried over to get the usual for him.

As Castiel leaned foward on the counter, tapping his fingers on the surface and swaying slightly, someone nudged him aside and placed a cake on the table. Castiel looked up to see the man's face and was impressed with what he saw.

The man wore a large leather jacket, with a flannel under, and then a black shirt that hugged his body perfectly. His hair was a dark blonde, almost brown color that was styled to an upward side, giving more attention to his green eyes and pink lips. There was something.....strangely familiar about him.  Castiel didn't realize he was staring so long until those bright green eyes met his.


Castiel blinked and realized the man was actually talking to him. To him?

The man's eyebrows were raised as he watched Castiel expectantly, but Castiel just stood there, staring back in deep thought. He waved his hand close to the blue eyed man's face.

"Hello? I'm talkin to you."

"What? Oh hello" Castiel took a slight step back in surprise and cleared his throat. He tried to form a smile, but it ended up looking more like a grimace than anything else.

He chuckled "Hey man, relax I'm not gonna bite, I'm Dean by the way"

Dean?  Why does that remind me of something? Strange.

Castiel straightened his back and his smile turned into a thin line before he started to talk again. "I'm not scared of you. I simply did not expect you to start talking to me." There was a short pause and he added "...Dean"

Dean grinned, "You-"

Jo appeared again, interrupting the conversation, looking at the man standing next to Castiel, a spark of curiosity and a sliver of confused recognition as she placed the coffee on the counter, smiling back at Castiel. "Here ya go Cassie, your usual."

Dean smirked and glanced between Jo and Castiel, "Cassie?"

Castiel rolled his eyes while Jo snickered.

"Oh, Cassie is just a little nickname I gave him."

Dean grinned and looked back at Castiel. "Mind telling me what your actual name is then?"

"It's just-"

Sirens pierced the air and drowned out talking in the bakery. Police cars could be seen lining up front from out the small windows. People who were seated started standing up and looking around in shock and panic. Jo jumped over the counter, pushing inbetween the two men, and immediately walked to the window.

One of the police men got out of his car with a megaphone and placed it near his mouth as he began to speak.

"Come out with your hands behind your head. If you have any weapons, remove them slowly when you walk out and place them on the ground. "

Castiel was staring out the windows in shock as the cop continued

"Dean Winchester, you have been charged with theft, suspected homicide, multiple assaults, and kidnapping"

Dean? Isn't that the name-

Something cold and hard was pressed against Castiel's head and an arm instantly appeared around his neck, holding him tightly, his bag dropping to the floor.

It was him.

Why was he so familiar?

Where had I seen him?

Suddenly,  all in a flash, those nights where he had the T.V. on as he read a book, laying on his bed. ".....Keep on the lookout" ".....managed to find evidence of murder" "......sketches of him made...."

The days he'd stay at home and stretch out on his couch, closing his eyes and sometimes listening to the reporter's voice as they talked.

"Dean. Dean. Dean. Dean. Dean...."

"...Winchester is still on the loose"

"You can't do anything now! I've got a hostage!"

Jo's head snapped back and terror was etched over her face as she began to tear up. "NO. LET HIM GO" she yelled.

Dean quickly took off the gun from Castiel's head to get something from his jacket. His hand held some sort of object. He threw the object onto the floor and all of a sudden something was clouding Castiel's vision. He closed his eyes as he heard coughing everywhere and cries. He didn't want to breathe and his throat felt dry. He was about to yell when a firm hand coverved his mouth and the hard end of the gun pressed against his temple once more.

And then a loud whisper in his ear.

"Don't scream or there'll be a bullet in your head when they find you."

He could feel the gun presssed to his temple again and being dragged to the kitchen and through the back door.

Dean dragged him out as he approached a black, sleek muscle car.

"Thank god I parked Baby in the back. Go get in. Now."

Castiel was shoved into the passenger's seat, the door almost slamming his face.Dean ran to the other side, quickly getting in and starting the car. Jo was too late when she walked out.

Castiel looked back as he saw her figure getting smaller and smaller, she fell to the floor and her screams could still be heard banging through his head as she completely vanished.


I'll try and fix this but I have to start it at least so here's what I got. I see that I might have thing for the whole criminal Dean thing soo maybe I'll try a highschool AU to try something new but later cx

I just wanted to try out writing and stuff cuz my friend suggested I do it we are I guess.

Monsters Live Inside You (Criminal Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now