Chapter 2

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(That picture of Cas ((if it even shows idk)) is him in the fic but just ignore how that isn't Baby sshhh)

He was practically yelling at the device. Small wrinkles of frustration were forming on his forehead and his eyebrows scrunched up, with a frown that, reluctant to admit as he was, kind of actually frightened Castiel. Not that Dean would notice, at least- he hoped not.  He was probably too busy fighting with whoever was on the other side of the line. Whomever it was, really must have a lot to say.

"I don't know what I was doing ok? I-I saw the lights and heard the sirens and the dude was just conveniently standing there so -"

"Hey maybe we could use him as-"

"Him?" Who is he talking about?

The voice in the phone sounded loud and muffled as it interrupted Dean every time he started to talk.

"No, no of course he isn't hurt but-"

"No, I didn't check but he's not dead-."

Are they talking about me? Am I some sort of problem? Oh of course you are idiot. This wasn't planned . He hasn't got a clue what he's going to do with me is he?

"I didn't know what to do-"


"No, I'm fine Sammy it's-"

"Dude I am NOT tying him up, the kid looks harmle-"

Tying up?!

"Yeah I know, but screw that! He's not gonna do anything. He's not a fucking dumbass-"

He paused and sighed before he talked again, "Yeah. Yeah I used it on them."

Used what?

"There were too many people Sam! What else was I supposed to do?! At least I'm not calling you from a jail, right?"

"I don't know OK? I don't know."

Dean's voice was resigned and more quiet.

"I'll call you when I'm a few miles from there and we'll work it out then."

The owner of the voice on the other line was still talking when Dean hung up and threw the phone onto the backseats of the car with one of his arms, while the other still held the wheel.

Questions, questions,  questions. Castiel was nervously holding his hands and trying not to make movement. His neck was itchy and his palms were starting to get sweaty.  He was thinking back to the distant look of complete and utter devastation that Jo had as she had run out, her blonde hair disheveled and gradually fading screams emitting from her.

He couldn't stop the sudden wave of guiltiness that rushed over him.  He'd go out with her and see her every morning before his Theology class began,  but he never really knew if they were friends or not, so Castiel alwas considered her a close acquaintance. But...seeing her look so heartbroken made him realize something.  Had they been friends? Was he too stupid and busy worrying about other things to realize that? 

And this Dean. The one sitting next to him, the one who's hands must have once been stained with blood, who's green eyes and smile hid such dark secrets. He could pass off as any normal person, with such a nice physique. Probably could even be a model. Castiel tried to ignore that last comment his mind made up. It was certainly not the right time or place,  wherever he is, to be thinking about that. He had to try figure out where he was going. But the hours had all melted together and he had no idea what time it was. His phone was still in the shop, along with most of his hope. From beyond the windows of the car, all he can see are giant trees looming over him, big woodlands.

So where is he even going? The question will repeat in his mind. A question he can't answer. He has no idea where he's being taken to or to whom. Whoever it was Dean was talking to over the phone? He'd rather not meet the person who suggested he be tied up.

Castiel's thoughts were cut short when he heard loud chuckling. Dean was starting to snicker as he glanced at Castiel. He really knew how to mask feelings from the looks of it. One moment he's yelling and has a sad look but the next, he's laughing at Cas. Maybe Castiel's judgements were true and this guy is really some sort of, what? Psychopath? Castiel hadn't talked since the moment that hand of Dean's was wrapped around his mouth. He was going to try and not communicate in any way or form until he was safely in his apartment and away from this horrible situation and this horrible man.

But curiosity killed him. As it would again and again as time went on.


I have this horrible gut feeling

That I'm going to be one of those writers that take the shittiest amount of time to update because life keeps getting in the damn way.

Also sorry about this chapter I don't even wanna consider a chapter cuz it's so friggin short but the next will be longer. It'll be awhile though because this next week and weekend is gonna be a super stressful and busy one for me eugh.

Haha omg that last sentence tho oooo *fake suspense* I kinda overdid that didn't I?

This story is totally up for going in multiple directions so I have to ponder over that too. But for now,  just excuse me if I have any typos cuz I legit wrote this a few minutes ago in the small free time I had because I had to post something at least. And I had the urge to continue writing this a bit. I'll re read it and see if there's any confusing stuff goin on.

Slow development wop wop

Ok sorry this A/N is getting a bit too long

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