Wednesday February 20, 2019

105 1 1

An intense feeling of deep affection.

That's one way to put how I feel about you.

Love makes me feel many different ways. Fear, stress, excitement, happiness, loved, and it gives me hope and energy.

Fear; I'm scared to loose you. I'm scared that one day you won't love me anymore but I'll still love you with all my heart. I'm scared that even tho you don't love me anymore I'll love you too much and let you go, because I'll care about you so much that I would rather you be happy with someone else, than me be happy with you but you'll be unhappy.  I'm scared that I'll hurt you, even if I mean it, I don't want you to hurt. But I wouldn't want to give up these fears for the world.

Stress; love stresses me out because I have to balance things out. I know you do the same. We have to balance out school, family, friends. I have to balance out, making sure you're okay, happy and healthy along with making sure I'm okay, happy and healthy. But I wouldn't want to give up this stress for the world.

Excitement; I'm excited to see you everyday. Even if I just saw you five minutes ago. I'm excited to graduate with you, get accepted into college together, even if it's not the same college. I'm excited to grow up and buy a house, live and sleep with you. To get married to the love of my life. I'm excited to raise kids with you. To watch you be an amazing father to our children. I can not wait to experience all these things with you.

Happiness; you make me the happiest girl alive. You make me feel loved and needed which is something that everyone should feel and experience. Being with you causes so much happiness it's overwhelming at times but I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Hope and Energy; you give me the hope and energy to get out of bed everyday. The hope that the day is going to be a good one. Which it always is as soon as I see your face. You make me feel like I have a place in this world and I have a meaning. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish I was alive anymore, because of you.

Love is so much more than just a word.
I love you.

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