Chapter 10, the Hermione Debacle

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Hello my beautiful nerds! I'm here and alive! I made sure for this to be a long ass chapter,but you really cant blame me (actually you can, but shush). I am currently writing 3 very different fan fictions at the same time, and I've decided to update them in a cycle. I'm going to update The Bet, Modern Marauders, and than Cho Chase (please the other two!) I am pretty sure that is this the longest chapter I've written so far. It was 9 pages long if that says something. anyway, lets get onto this-

Griffindor is red,

Ravenclaw is blue,

JK owns Harry Potter,

Not me nor you

Chapter 10- The Hermione Debacle

After everything with all the kisses and everything calmed down, Ron and Hermione still found themselves locked up in the latter’s room.

“So what do you think they're doing up there. I mean they’ve been up there for the past hour. You could do a lot of stuff in an hour, I know from experience.”

Everyone in the room save Ginny, Parker, and Hunter clenched their faces in disgust at the latter’s words.

“I personally think you are a little jealous, Hun,” said Ryan, in a teasing fashion. “I think you fancy Hermione.”

At this, the twins looked up from a new prank project they were working on.

“Do you hear what I hear, dear brother?” one asked.

“Why yes I do, dear Forge. It seems like our new freinemy has a fondness for our little Hermione.”

“I do not have a fondness for her! It's just she’s pretty and I think she would be a good shag.”

At this, Harry spoke up, his voice full of anger and he felt his face heat up as he stood up and pinned Hunter to the wall, yelling.

“Hey! Who do you think you are! She's basically my sister! You have NO RIGHT! I repeat NO right to do anything to her! I won't let you use her as just something that you can put your dick in whenever you please! She is my sister, with everything but blood, and you WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO HARM HER! And do not ever so much as touch or look at her the wrong way, or else I will rip you limb from limb and watch as you slowly and painfully bleed out. And when you are on the verge of death-”

“Okay, Harry, think you’ve said enough. He got the point,” Ginny said as she pulled Harry off of Hunter, but glared at the latter.

“He better. He better not get anywhere near my sister or I’ll kill him.”

“Yes Harry, know. Now go and talk to Sirius and calm down.”

Sirius was befuddled. He had no one ever yelled at him like that. His future godson was one….. passionate teenager. All he wanted to do was shag Hermione, but how was he supposed to know that Hermione was like a sister to Harry? He only knew them for what, a day? Maybe once they got to school he could find someone else to shag, but for now, Hermione was off the tables.

Harry had found to Sirius as Ginny advised him to do.

Sirius had been in a room that Harry had never been in. the room was bare except for the wallpaper, though it was more of a tapestry that spread across the room. It was beaten and worn, most likely from the doxies that had gnawed it over the years. On the front, it said



It had outlines of heads painted on it, but some had black scorches on them.

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