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* at the airport *
Annie's Pov
We arrived at the airport and we both saw both of our families waiting for us. Good thing Asher has a HUGE car that can fit both of our families.
Katie- Asher!
Asher- Mrs.Katie!
Annie- looks like someone is liking my boyfriend more then me!
Billy- hey Annikan!
Annie- Dad!
Caleb- Wassup Asher
Asher- Sup Caleb
Hayley- Asher!
Asher- hay hay!!
Annie- Mum
Annie- Coco!!!
Coco- hi annie! how are you?!
Annie- i'm good thanks for asking!
Jody- Hi Annie it's nice to meet you
Annie- it's nice to meet you too Jody
London & Avi- ANNIE!!!!!
Annie- LON AV!!!!!!!
London- it's good to finally meet you guys!
Avi- your brother is cool and your sister is too
London- i think me and your sister are gonna be good friends!
Annie- awe
Asher- did my family forget about me?
Angels- haha
Katie- I think we should get going to the house, Asher Annie
Asher & Annie- yea?
Katie- you guys got your stuff right?
Asher & Annie - yep!
Katie- lets go
Angels- okay!!!

* at the house *
Katie- Okay so Hayley & London get the room on the first floor. Avi & Caleb get the room on the first floor, but right across from Hayley & London. Annie and Asher you guys have the 2nd floor and the gaming room. The adults have the 3rd floor. Does that sound good
Avi & Caleb - Nooooo
Everyone else - yessss
Billy- Boys what's the matter
Avi- Asher and Annie don't even play games
Caleb - they probably will just kiss the whole day * laughs *
The parents & Asher & Annie- HEY!
Hayley - tea 👀☕️
London- yes it is
Annie- i'm going to my room cya later fam
Asher- same bye
Caleb- huh? we're still in the- what? i-
Katie- oh Caleb
Coco- lets all go to our rooms
Jody- Dinner at 5

* Asher & Annie's room *
* they finish unpacking *
Asher- i'm so tired!!!
Annie- i unpacked for you * laughs *
Asher- not exactly
Annie- yes exactly
Asher- fine 🙄
Annie- When was the last time i posted on instagram?
Asher- when i posted on instagram
Annie- when did you post of instagram
Asher- maybe a couple of days ago
Asher- okay clam down
Annie- actually i'm too lazy too post it's too much work
Asher- just post an old picture
Annie- too much work
Asher- bu-
Annie- i said i was lazy
Asher- rude much
Annie- how was the rude?
Asher- just sayin, you said it in a sassy way
Annie- whatever
Asher- are you on your period
Asher- i was just asking
Annie- yea whatever
Asher- i'll leave you alone
* leaves the room *
Annie- ugh

Ashers Pov
So Annie is on her period and she is hella sassy, so i'm not trying to bother her. i just went into the living and watched tv until everyone came down including Annie

Billy- hey Ash what are you doing down here so early?
Asher- Annie is on her period, so i just left her alone for now
Katie- that was a good thing to do, she gets too sassy when she is on it
Billy & Jody- girls these days
Coco- yea yea yea
Caleb- what are periods??
Avi- don't you have a girlfriend?
Caleb- yea Sydney
Avi- she gets them too dude
Caleb- that's why she always has an attitude!?
London- looks like someone has a boy period haha
Hayley- yea looks like someone does
Avi- whatever
Annie- omg can y'all just SHUT UP
Caleb- damn Anns stop being hella mad
Hayley- calm down sis
Avi- take a chill pill
Asher- Annie we're going to our room let's go
Annie- okay
Jody, Coco & Katie, Billy- DONT GET FRISKY KIDS!!
Caleb- haha
Avi- don't get frisky haha
Hayley & London - TEA SPILLED
Annie & Asher- WHATEVER

* in there room *
Asher- don't give me sass
Annie- i won't jeez
Asher- i'm just saying
Annie- i'm bored!
Asher- i am too
Annie- do you know why they always say that?
Asher- say what?
Annie- 🤦🏻‍♀️
Asher- what?
Annie- you're so clueless
Asher- i know i am
Annie- well why they always say-


I know i haven't posted in like FOREVER i've just been really busy like REALLY busy. so i'm so sorry about that. i'll probably end up updating whenever i have time. i hope you guys enjoyed this. this wasn't proof read so if there's any spelling mistakes or something makes no sense that's why.

- Rhean 🥑💚

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