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(Analia): yeee! ~Analia squeals clapping her hands and jumping up and down~

(Yvonne): alright alright, can you stop before we get caught? ~smiling a bit~

(Analia): Sorry, I cant help myself sometimes..
~Analia smiles to herself~ So, is there something you need to tell me?

(Yvonne): Actually yes..I do.

(Analia): well spill the tea!

I laugh at her but before I was about to come out and say it the bell rings and groan in frustration.

(Yvonne): look I'll tell you when you come to the house but try to get there early..this ones kind of big to swallow....

(Analia): oh god, idk what I'm about to hear but you know im always up for the tea you do spill.

Her and I laugh together in union, we walked out of the bathroom and went our separate ways.

(Analia): it better be good too! ~she said walking away~

I turned around and walked forward and said..

(Yvonne): oh you have no idea... ~ I mumbled to myself~

7:10 pm.
(Yvonne): where is she at??

It's about be that time and I'm hyperventilating , my clothes in my closet and drawers are scattered all over my room and spent a good 25 minuets looking on pintrest for makeup looks. When I was about to loose hope and confidence I heard a  knock at the door..

That must be her...

I ran down the stairs in my robe still on and underwear and bra on, I covered myself up and looked through the peephole to see who I knew exactly was standing outside the door. I sighed and opened the door but still glad to see her.

She had a really big bag with her and was already dressed, face beat everything...which kinda of made me anxious.

(Analia): heyyy girly whirly, you ready to get lit? ~she said to me with excitement in her voice~

(Yvonne): ughh, idk about this Ana...I'm starting to feel nervous. ~I said letting her in and closing the door and locking it~

(Analia): sis why are you so scared? Your coming with me. And it's too late because I went out of my to get you these cute ass outfits. ~she said as we were walking up to my room~

And I can hear her smiling behind me, so that kind of brung one to my face a little as well. When we got to the room and walked in.

(Analia): alright so I'm gonna start with your- WTF happened in here?!? ~she said looking around the room~

Oh god here we go.

(Yvonne): Ana calm down I just had a little crisis, it's not that serious..

(Analia): Yea your soooo lucky you have me because this right here is just, ooo we! ~she said~

I laughed at her and we got started quickly because we didn't have to much time.
My hair and makeup was done the way I envisioned it to look and it was 7:47.

(Analia): okay so I brought the options, and don't feel bad if you don't like some of them but you have to pick one of course. ~she said walking to the bag opening it and taking the clothes out and shoes, While I wait sitting at my vanity.

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