Chapter 5

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Date: March 26th (6 Days before the Apocalypse)

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Date: March 26th (6 Days before the Apocalypse)

Diego walked through the house, remembering the times they were getting ready on missions and their mom had helped them.

Allison was rushing around looking for her domino mask when Grace had given it to her, their mother then checked on Luther who was doing push-ups on his bedroom floor. Klaus was jumping up and down on his bed while there was a fire on his stuff within his desk, where she promptly put out the fire. Grace had complimented Vanya on her violin and Ben ran down the stairs, his zipper had gotten stuck on his suit material. Just ask Grace was about to help, Rowena had run over from the other hall and helped Ben with his suit, she had smiled at Grace, but her and Ben's masks were off-kilter, so the woman straightened both their masks. Grace had found Diego in his room, practicing his words against villain, his stutter getting in the way. She had helped him but Reginald had interrupted them once she had congratulated him.

Diego had begun talking to his mom while Pogo went looking for his child. He finally found her in the top floor bathroom, sobbing, but she wouldn't let him in. Pogo sighed at this, she truly was broken, a shell of what she once was, Ben's death really did take the worst toll on her soul. These children were broken, but Rowena was, sadly, the worst case.

~Time Skip~

Rowena had moved to her secret spot on the fire escape. She had gone there after she knew the others had given up on finding her. Her hair wasn't wet, neither was she, as even though she'd normally would hide in the bath to calm down, she simply decided against going into the tub again. Twisting the ocean snow-globe in her hand, she sighed, the sight within the tiny object was what she had dreamed of. An ocean, calm and quiet, with no one else on it. She imagined walking along the sand and being free from her powers and the trauma Hargreeves had given her after all those years spent in that house.

She could see Luther and Allison at the fire escape that led to the attic, which was closer to the front of the house. The two were talking but she couldn't hear them, glad, she didn't prefer them. She had a slight grudge against Luther, she would never confess as to why though. Rowena's thoughts began to drift back to the future she had planned, and being back at this horrid mansion was not in that plan.

Gunshots sounded from inside the house, causing Rowena to spin around, nearly dropping her beloved snow-globe. She grasped it tightly as she climbed back into the house, she couldn't lose anyone else in this family, not while she's still breathing. Quickly she tried to think who the attackers could be shooting at, this made her speed up her pace even more, Diego, Vanya, or Klaus. She definitely wasn't letting anyone hurt them.

She ran farther down the hall to see Diego getting attacked. Quickly Rowena moved around the attackers with her super speed, they probably hadn't even noticed her. She ran to the spot that Diego was in and covered him with her body, though they were completely out of the line of fire, just in case a bullet ricocheted back to them.

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