New born!

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Hey guys thanks for the 1k views I love you guy so much

Amy's POV

Once Harry took me to the hospital it was 1 hour an 14 minutes before I have birth to my son Edward 8pound 4 . He has beautiful green eyes dark brown hair and beautiful smile.

"His beautiful , wish mum and dad was here" I said to my nan and grandad because Harry fell asleep hours after he was born , tears started to fill my eyes.

"Your mum and dad would be so proud of you for what you have done for James and Leah and me and grandad and looking after your self now little one here is going to need you more then ever that's why James and Leah is staying with us and you can visit us when ever , we have to go now but we love you" my nan said making me cry like hell.

When they left it was me and Edward awake and Harry asleep , I just stared to stare at Edward who slowly stared drifting off with me included.

3 Months later

Amy's POV

Harry is dating a model called Monica and they are having there own baby , he hasn't made contact with me for a month. I'm still a single parent with the most beautiful child in the world but he won't stop growing, my thoughts were interrupted by Edward crying.

"Hello baby" I said making him giggle.

I changed his bum and fed him I put new clothes on him then sat on the sofa with him wen my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said

"Hi Amy it's Monica harrys girlfriend"

"Oh hi , how are things"

"Good , well actually there not I mean Harry seems quite distance I was wondering if you could talk to him"

"Yeah sure I will get Edward ready and I will be over"

"thanks Amy"

"That's okay"

With that I went upstairs to changed done my make up put my hair into a messy bun and done Edward bag for going out and then put his shoes on then mine then I put my jacket on then his coat then put him in his car seat and drove of.

"Are you ready to see daddy" I said to Edward , and a smile appeared in his face

When we arrived I knocked on the door and Monica answered "his upstairs is there anything I can do for you" she asked walking in.

"Can you heat up his bottle for me thanks" I gave her his Bottle and walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said

I walked in.


"Amy!?" He said slightly confused.

"Did Monica not tell you I was coming?" I said sitting on the bed and Laying down Edward on the bed in front of me

"No things haven't been good between us"

"Whys that?"

"Because I found out the baby isn't mine and I asked who's it was but she didn't say anything" he said climbing on the bed.

INSTA: @Amydockerill14

Twitter : @stylerboobear14

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