Chapter 2 : the mysterious student

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Jewels Pov 

When my friend said that the new student was scary looking I was wondering how she came to that conclusion . All of a sudden I felt  a sensation similar to the one of this morning but it felt different somehow . When I looked to see who was looking at me I saw no one and that alone left me feeling scared and dumbfounded at the same time .

??? Pov 

They weren't lying when the higher ups said that she was able to sense me ( because of the ability that she seemed to possess ) . Even with my ability I almost got caught watching her ( my ability harnesses the energy from around me and makes me invisible to the naked eye ). 

Jewel Pov 

Alright I need to calm myself down before I start losing my mind ( I kept chanting in my head ) but it was futile I still  had goosebumps  all over my entire body from that incident that occurred a few minutes ago . Jewel Jewel JEWEL !!!!  Are you listening I have been calling your name for the past minute or so said our English teacher Ms Jung .  I am so sorry Ms I just .... Feel really horrible today  I  said whilst stuttering . May  I be excused for a bit please I said whilst my hands where shaking uncontrollably . Yes of course you can dear if something was  bothering you that much why didn't you say so from the very start ? I .. I didn't want to be  a burden ....... Listen I will tell the principal ok now off you go . Thank you I am really grateful .

??? Pov 

Tch who the hell could be calling me when I specifically said not to disturb me while I was undercover . " Hello " oh it's just you  what do you want ?   I said with my teeth gritted in frustration . " That's not anyway to treat your best friend is it yoongi ?" Shut up just tell me what you want before I get out of here and come where you are and feed you to an animal  Jimin I growled ."  I just got told to inform you  to keep a cautious eye on the girl since she does not know how to harness it yet " . Fine I have got to go talk to you later . " Okay bye for now " said Jimin and I hung up God he may seem like a cute little guy but he gets on my nerves . 

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