Part freed

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The bubble drifts out the open door and into the sunshine. The freedom is exhilarating.
Soon the bubble drifts through an open window and lands on the carpeted floor. Suddenly there is darkness as a foot pops it.
By the end of the week Dawn has mastered the art of freeing bubbles. You see, every time someone picks up the bottle, squeezing it a bit, he shakes in a certain way and lets some bubbles out.
You may be wondering what the difference of being freed down the drain and freed elsewhere is and that is merely that soap needs light and that when it goes down the drain it reaches a place that never gets light.
In order for Dawn to succeed he must free himself while he still has at least one eighth of himself left.
"No," thinks Dawn, "three eighths of me are gone already. Freeing bubbles is good but it barely frees any of me. Life would..." His thoughts are interrupted as he feels himself being lifted, he is taken outside and one eighth of himself is freed. Dawn soaks the sunlight in as he is used to clean a water trough. Suddenly as a bit more soap is dispensed a wave of  energy swells in him. "Enough of me has been released so that I can be free!" He realizes, "I can now live the life!" He happily slides along with a trail of water.
Suddenly, "SCRAAAAHHHHCH!!!" "Oh no I'm in for it now," thinks Dawn, " I had forgotten that dish-drains aren't my only problem."

Dawn's escapeWhere stories live. Discover now