hero!older!shu x vigilanty!older!valt

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This story inspired of the arrow to show, hope you enjoyed .this story has the others and Ashton is bad guy. It's going to be a little bit different than the TV show.

Shu was out on a mission with wakiya, honcho, Diego, Ken , Zac and Xander when they got caught in a trap.

The bad guys were informing Ashton then he was talking about he's plan to take control of the city. Then they saw someone in the shadows they sneaked up to the cage then picked the lock then a person was spotted right when she got finished picking the lock and told her to step into the light.

She came out of the light with her hands up

Ashton said well who do we have here, your quite the sneaky kitten who are you

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Ashton said well who do we have here, your quite the sneaky kitten who are you. She opened her mouth and started singing

And started to fight Ashton's minions
Then shu and the others helped out and that made Ashton and his minions has to retreat they left.

Shu and his team and the lady went on top of the roof across the street from where Ashton was trying to rob honcho said who are you why did you help us she got up and said you looked you guys needed some help and took off her hood and they saw blue hair and Xander took her mask of a skeleton face off and saw a face they haven't seen since high school.

They said valt in shock then valt grabbed her mask and slided under xander's legs and was running while putting on her mask to the edge of the roof and turned her head and said see ya around boys with a wink to shu who was blushing then she jumped vanishing in to thin air.

Their might be a part 2
But for now see ya around , pipes

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