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Salems POV

I was eating ice cream with Loki, bright red and happy. He had offered it to me since Tessa left to be with her boyfriend Zach. I was estatic.
Tara had left us alone. Knowing I wanted a chance. Hell, she even gave me some advice. It was going smoothly.
I wss rushed out if my thoughts when we sat down. "Thanks for the ice cream" I smiled. Loki shrugged in response. "Sure"

We had been shotting back and forth for the past few days. Him tessing me about the crush, but him also beung exceedingly soft to me.

Could he like me back?


I eat and as we talk he teases. "Youre bright red" I whimper. "S..sorry.."

(Time skip because I cant remember how they got onto the topic uwu)

As we went on he looked at me, softly. "I.." i mumble. "I'm sorry salem. I..its the asgardian rules. You know that." He sighed.

"I know, I understand Loki..its okay" I smiled a sad smile back at him. "Its getting dark" he hummed. "Let me walk you home"

"Sure" He looked around. "Its dangerous, theres a man under the lampost..come on" He grumbled
We got go and began to walk. As we did it got darker, night now falling.

The man underneath the post began to walk towards us, so Loki grabbed me hand and began to run, the man following.

Lokis POV

We made it to the nearby park, and I placed Salem into a bush. "Stay down" I command.

"Where is she?" The strange man hissed at me. I could hear salems heavy breathing. "I dont know" i lied. Why was I lying?

"Why would you case anyways?" I responded calmly. "I want her. Just hand her to me."

I smirked. When suddenly a group of men, 3 or 5, joined in. "Give her to us" one of them commanded.

"I dont care what happens to her" I retorted in a sassy tone. "Take her, but i have something more valuable." I tease.

The original man who came up to us, snorted. "What? No. Give us the girl. If you dont care let me take her" i smirk "No can do. But again...its something..
Extremly valuable. More than some girl. What do you want with her anyways?"

"Shes beautiful. We want her..for our needs." I could hear salem wince behind me. I walked up to the man and smiled. "I know where the infinity stones are"

The men around me gasped. "The stones?" Another snorted. "We would rule the world" but another jumped in "But the girl!"

"You can have her. I dont care about her"

Then a man came up behind Salem, covering her mouth and dragging her back. She kicked her legs but to no avail she stayed in his arms. I huffed worridly.

I looked at her coldly and smirked unphased.

The Leader of the group stepped in after a long silence.  "Where could we find them..?"

I snicker. "Come close and I will tell you." The man did as I told and I leaned into his ear.

"Theyre.. GONE" I scream and shove him back, summining a dagger and throwing it at his shoulder.

Meanwhile I flashed an ice blast into the man behind me sending him back a few feet.

I then take out the rest, leaving the man whom held salem. He threated a gun, but before he could blink a dagger was in his chest.

Salem fell to the ground fuffing with tears in her eyes.

"L....loki..." She whispered. I walked ber to her and crouched down. "Are you okay?"

She nodded ever so slightly, me helping her up as she did so. "I....thank you." I smile. "Sure"

"Let me take you home" I offered interlocking her arm with mine. She sniffed and on the way back she said. "I thought you were going to give me up.."

"Well I was going to. But..they were creepy" i daid smoothly. Not admitting i would never had done that to her

"Heh..well thanks anyways." She smiled pink cheeks and all. We made it to the porch of her apartment. "Dont go out alone at night okay?"

Salem smiled with her eyes closed like an anime girl. "Yeah i wont. Thank..you Loki. She blushed.

I smirk and lean down, kissing her cheek. "Goodnight then." I said, walking away, seeing her melt into a puddle on the porch.

Could I like her?


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