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It was late at night and pouring rain. Rufioh was walking home from his date with Damara, a girl who he had been long distance dating for a few years now. She lived in Japan, and he had finally met her in person for the first time.
He found, to his dismay, that she was not at all interested in anything but trying to get him to do unsavory things to her in front of a large crowd of people. He ended up "using the bathroom", leaving her with the check, and breaking up with her over text.
Rufioh looked up from his phone after hearing the sound of someone running through puddles, just in time to see a girl flying down the street and turn down an alleyway. Her name was Latula, at least he thought it was Latula, he never actually talked to her but he saw her around at school. It was like a scene pulled straight from a murder documentary, and it had Rufioh immediately intrigued enough to follow. He always had a morbid curiosity for the subject of murder, and besides, he wanted to know what was scaring Latula. From what he has seen from her though, she appears to be fairly skittish, so it could be anything "chasing" her. Rufioh broke from his pursuit when the sound of another pair of footsteps, running down the back of the alleyway, caught his attention. Running to the front of the alleyway as head-start, Rufioh peered down and found that a single street lamp illuminated the scene. Latula was sobbing hysterically as a figure at least six feet tall approached her with what looked to be a knife. This couldn't be real... was he really witnessing a murder? A real life murder?  No, it can't be. Not in this city. And not to him. His city was praised for having a low crime rate until recently, when a few weeks ago news of a missing person and cult activity began to surface. Other than that, however, there's nothing. Definitely not knife-wielding murderers lurking in alleyways and preying on young women.
Suddenly—the tall figure raised the knife and plunged it into her chest for what appeared to be six times...maybe it was seven? SEVEN?! He was getting woozy, it was one thing to read about a murder but it was completely different to witness one. The tall murderer took out some plastic baggies and started to place several different organs inside of them, then placing them into a backpack, and also placing the knife in before taking off the gloves they were wearing. Rufioh looked away as the killer pulled out her teeth, fingernails, and also checked her body for any kind of identification.
The horrifying realization was that whoever the perpetrator was, they were beyond experienced and more than just a simple one-time incident killer.
This was the work of a professional serial killer.
After the disgusting dis-identification was done, they pulled out a can of gasoline, poured some of it on the body, lit a match and tossed it on the corpse, and she instantly went up in flames. The sickly flames  illuminated the killers face as he tossed the gloves into the fire.
It was Kurloz Makara, a boy that Rufioh vaguely knew, but recognized. Rufioh knew the Makaras from school, and there was nothing really that strange about though they did move in only about a month ago and he didn't see them often, It was way too early to know what they were like. Rufioh has only spoken to Kurloz once to ask him about Mituna Captor, a fellow student, who has a disability.
Rufioh let out a sigh of relief as Kurloz put on the backpack and turned to leave.
That sigh was too loud.
Kurloz snapped his head towards Rufioh, and to Rufioh's shock and terror Kurloz smiled, and started to walk towards him.
Rufioh's vison became blurry, either from fear, or something other, but all he remembered was that eerie smile inching closer and closer before everything faded to nothing.

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