Chapter 7

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Robinpaw woke up to see light filtering through the den she saw her denmate, Cookiepaw snoring away. Robinpaw padded out of the den and saw that it was early morning. she looked around the camp, looking if Swallowlaw was up at all. when she didn't see him, she bounded over to the fresh-kill pile, sniffing through the meager prey stores. ugh, all of this is old! hmm... why don't I go hunting?! Swallowclaw might not like it... ill tell Mintpaw where I'm going! yes! 

Robinpaw padded into the apprentices den and sniffed out Mintpaw's dark outline. she prodded the grey she-cat with her paw.

"Miiiiiiiiintpaw," Robinpaw whispered, "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintpaw."

"whay, goh awah," she replied while batting at the air with a paw, "noooooooow."

"Im going hunting if anyone asks, okay?" Robinpaw asked.

"eel teal theam tat," she replied half asleep.

Robinpaw snuck out of the den and bounded to the camp entrance. she slipped past the guard, Lilystorm with ease. Robinpaw padded towards their back border, which as far as she knows, hasn't been hunted in a while. she smiled as she caught the wiff of a vole struggling in the underbrush. Robinpaw immidiately dropped to the ground. she pinpointed the location of the vole quickly. she leaped into the underbrush, and caught the vole with a claw. it tried to squirm away, but Robinpaw had it tight, as soon as she could reach it, she stooped down and ended it's misery. 

Robinpaw dug a hole in the earth and covered the vole. she continued on. she smelled that she was coming close to the boarder, when she heard a crack. Robinpaw jumped when she saw a yellow tom with black stripes saunter out of the bushes. 

"Who are you? and what are you doing in pondclan territory?!" Robinpaw hissed.

"who are you?" the tom purred

"I asked first!"

"So you did, greetings, my name is Wasp."

"And what are you doing here?!"

"I was wandering the forest when I got lost."

"are you a kittypet?" 


"I have always wanted to meet a kittypet! what's it like?"

"Slow down there cupcake."

"Whats a cupcake?" Robinpaw tilted her head, confused.

"Its a kind of bread that has sugary paste on top. what is your name?"

"Im Robinpaw!"

"Nice to meet you, Robinpaw," Wasp smiled and his tail flicked.

"Would you ever consider joining a clan?"

"What's a clan?"

Robinpaw's eyes lit up, "A clan is the most wonderful thing!"


Robinpaw was about to finish what a clan was when there was a voice behind her;

"Robinpaw! there you are!"

Robinpaw felt a cat rub up against her in joy.

"Swallowclaw!" Robinpaw mewed.

Swallowclaw growled, still pressed against Robinpaw, "who is this, is he harassing you?" Swallowclaw's tail puffed out and he growled again.

"Robinpaw, I think that it's time for me to leave," Wasp calmly meowed.

"Goodbye, Wasp!" Robinpaw called as her new friend padded away.

"Who was that!?" Swallowclaw growled, "What was he doing on Pondclan territory?!"

"That was Wasp, he's a kittypet, and I was telling him about clan life!" Robinpaw's eyes still glinted with excitement.

"He is an enemy!" Swallowlcaw hissed.

"He seemed pretty nice to me!" Robinpaw spat back.

"They act friendly until they have gotten wanted, then they split."

"How do you know!?" Robinpaw accused


"Swallowclaw i'm-" Robinpaw started

Swallowlcaw cut her off, "IF YOU WANT NO HELP I WONT'T HELP YOU! WHEN HE BREAKS YOU HEART DONT COME WHINING TO ME!" Swallowclaw stormed off, leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

"Swallowclaw..." Robinpaw whispered after him.

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