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Hi im Alice Jones, Im 12years old and today is my moms wedding. I'm really excited for her and Dave...or sould i call him dad now?
However i can't wait to live with dave he seems like such a nice person!
Abby : Alice sweetie are you ready ?
Alice : yes mom i'm coming! C'mon Annie we gotta hurry!
Annie : i'm trying but these shoes won't fit me
Annie is my best friend, i've known her since forver and im glad that my mom invited her to her wedding
Annie : Yes i finally got it!
I grab her hand and we walk out holding roses, i can see Dave standing there with other men. Me and Annie go sit down next to my grandmother, and we keep on waiting for my mom to come out......but she doesn't, suddenly everyone is gone and it's only me and Dave.....he walks up to me and unzips his pants, i start screaming ''No No don't do this''
Alice : NO NO
And that's when i woke up. Ugh i have these nightmares all the time but i tought they'd disappear after 4 years. I get up and go inside the bathroom, i turn on the water and take a shower. The hot water and calming sounds makes me wanna stay in here forever but then suddenly i hear banging on the door
holy shit i forgot that Dave hates when i take forever!
Alice : I'm sorry i'll be right out!
Dave : You have five seconds
Abby : Dave why are you not ready yet ?
Dave : Maybe you should ask your stupid daughter!!
i open the door and try to leave as fast as possible, but obviously he grabs my arm
Dave : Next time i won't give a warning
He lets go of my arm and goes in the shower, i never overstay in the shower but i guess today is not my lucky day.
Abby : It's okay sweetheart, he is just tired
Alice : i know. Im gonna get dressed
My mom always has excuses for him and she is so ignorant of the situation but i've learned not to trust her anymore, when shit gets really bad i go to annies place, she is the only one that knows. I go to my room and get dressed as fast as possible, sometimes when i'm getting dressed Dave has already gotten out of the shower and will stand there watching me.
Abby : Breakfast is ready!
Alice : Im coming down.
i walk down the staris wearing my cheerleader uniform and having my hair up in a ponytail.
Dave : Why do you always wear that ugly thing
Abby : Dave, it's part of being a cheerleader
Dave : Well she looks like a hooker
i just sit there ready to attack at any moment. Obviously my mom is gonna say something stupid i can feel it
Abby : Hahaha Dave that is funny
how is that funny?! What mom would let someone call their daughter a hooker?
Alice : I just got a text from Annie, she is waiting for me.
Abby : See you after school.
Alice : Have a good day.
Ugh i'm so glad to be out of that place, for most people school is where they least wanna be but for me, it's my happiness. No one knows about my situation and everyone treats me right.
Annie : Ugh i hate seeinh his face
Alice : Try living with him
Annie : ew disgusting! Soooo Have any plans later ?
Alice : Nope why ?
Annie : I know this guy, His name is Asher. He is throwing a huge party
Alice : it's not like Dave is gonna let me go
Annie : Not for a party but you can say that you're just having a sleepover at my place
Alice : okay i'll try.
we drive up to the school and we get in and walk towards our first class together.
I go sit down next to mandla and Annie sits down next to lily
Mandla : Are you going to the party ?
Alice : Why is everyone making a big deal out of this party?
Mandla : Because people from the south will be there and yk hot people....
Mandla is super gay but he is afraid to show it because he is scared he'll get judged but who can blame him? Everyone in this school thinks that they can judge people but we are all bad some of the judgers are even worse
Alice : Ha well in that case i'll be there
We continue english class untill the bell rings and we have History
Alice : Annie, Mandla i gotta run but i'll catch you at Math
Mandla : bye boo
i run to the other side of the building asap but of course i would be to late
Mrs Greene : Ms. Jones you will have detention
Alice : please this isn't my fault
Mrs Greene : You always say that! Either you get here faster or you get a legitimate reason to be late!!
Alice : Gee, i'm already sitting down,calm.
Mrs Greene : Let me read the detention list for all of you! Alice Jones, Kira Cooper, Mike Pierce, Jonah Keen, Johnny Orlando.
Shit Johnny has detention too! I can't afford to run into him after what happend.......

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