Chapter 1

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Luigi was sitting in his chair by the fireplace and was relaxing a bit before heading off to bed, since now a days he hardly sleeps due to nightmares he has been having. From what he had experienced while trying to find Mario after he suddenly went missing and nobody knew where he was, not even peach knew where he had gone to and that in itself was pretty strange. Luigi had  gone to the mansion he had mysteriously won, which Mario wanted to check out and of course that was when he had disappeared

Luigi was very worried about his brother and was more than willing to find him, but there was still that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he should just turn back and not risk his life in such a horrible place like this. Though he was considering it, he still wanted very much to find his brother and make sure he was indeed alright above all else so even if he was terrified Luigi would fight through his fears for his brother whenever he is in trouble.

Luigi couldn't help but to shudder at the memory of that awful night and it had given him nightmares that would cause him to wake up screaming. Luigi is glad that he managed to save Mario from king boo, but he couldn't help but wonder if instead of Mario trapped in a painting and that it had been him. This thought occurred to him the day he rescued Mario and was thankful that is wasn't him even if it did sound a bit mean in anyone else's opinion and he knew he shouldn't think such things, but he was a total scaredy cat and anyone in his shoes would have had the same thought.

After some time lost in his thoughts he didn't realize that he had fell asleep until he had another nightmare and this time it was one that could scare you without fail, and now here he was experiencing the most terrible nightmare he could ever imagine and it was one that had switched the places of both him and Mario and this was the most awful thing for him to deal with. In this nightmare Luigi was the one who was trapped in the painting and all he could do was hope that his brother will come to save him, but then king boo suddenly said something that almost made him doubt that his brother would save him at all and broke his heart and he did not want to believe it.

(Nightmare time)  

Luigi was trapped inside the painting completely scared out of his mind since he was in a scary looking mansion and being stuck in a painting with a terrifying ghost with glowing red eyes staring at him with an evil looking sharp toothed grin on his face. Luigi was banging on it and desperately trying to get out of the painting that had him trapped and at the same time calling out to his brother to come and save him from this awful place and from the terrible ghost that had him trapped, then the ghost said something that would strike deep into his heart. "He will never come for a coward such as you, I mean why would he want to take back a cowardly burden of a little brother like you?" "You only hold him back and slow him down all because your nothing but a coward, so tell me Luigi do you really believe that he will actually come for you or just leave you to die here?"

(End of nightmare)

Luigi woke up in tears at this point and couldn't help but sob into his hands at the awful memory of the nightmare he had just experienced and not to mention what was said to him,but he could not help but to question himself. 'Am I really a burden to Mario?' Luigi thought to himself as he continued to cry his eyes out until he fell asleep again. After some hours of sleep Luigi woke up feeling very tired from the terrible dream he had last night and when he looked at the clock on the wall he realized that it was now 10:00 AM and decided to get up despite his tiredness he still had to at least get up, but even if he was able to get himself up that time.

He decided to forget the dream all together so as to not worry anyone, especially his brother Mario since he tends to worry a little too much when it came down to Luigi being upset or hurt in some way, though he didn't mind it at all he still thought it would be best if he didn't worry about him. Since it was just a dream he thought that he shouldn't let it get to him and just go about his day.

This is probably not going to go well so
I am all ears for suggestions on how to
Progress and I think a new ghost later on would do just fine
If anyone wants to be added
Into the story give me a name
And it will be done😉

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