18 year old, Mia dos Silva Santos is moving to Paris to be with her brother, Neymar Jr. There she meets a lovely man who happens to be Neymar's teammate. And Mia falls head over heels. But deep inside she knows that her heart is in love with someone...
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"Give me the symptoms." Mia told Joana. They were in Dani's car at the moment. Mia had told her brother where she was going and rushed off with Joana and worried looking Dani Alves. "Yeah, id like to know what's going on with my horse!" Dani exclaimed. He was in the backseat with his jersey still on and looking very anxious. Joana tapped her fingers impatiently against the wheel as they slowed at a stop light. Joana sighed, "So far the trainer just said Diabo won't stand and won't move his head. He's just staring into space. He can definitely hear him but won't look at him. He and the other horses were perfectly fine before the match. Honestly I don't think the trainer knows what he's doing." Dani snorted and Mia looked back at him as he rolled his eyes and retorted, "Then why the heck is he pretending?" Mia raised an eyebrow and awkwardly grabbed Dani's shaking hand before saying reassuringly, "Well, you are famous. But it's alright I'll take care of him." Mia smiled and turned back in her seat as she mumbled to herself, "I hope." Mia racked her mind for everything she knew about horses and Joana rushed them home as fast as she could while Dani nervously looked out the window. Soon Joana pulled into the driveway and Dani shouted, "Now I wish I made the driveway shorter!" Mia chuckled and Joana only sped awfully fast down the driveway. Mia's phone made a noise and she hastily grabbed it from her lap. It was Edi.
Edinson: Hey is everything alright? did u leave?
Mia: sim, I left. Dani's horse is sick or something I'm at his house checking it out. Ur still at the stadium?
Edinson: hope u find out what's wrong love! Yes we r at the stadium still ur brother left to get the house ready but everyone else is celebrating. If I see ur ex I'll punch him! Love you babes! 😘
Mia blushed at his latest text and hurriedly texted back,
Love you too Edi😚
They reached the gate and Joana punched the code in so fast it looked like she only stopped for a second. As soon as the gate opened wide enough for them to pass, Joana shot her foot on the acceleration button and sped off and Mia grabbed her seat to stay stationary. Dani cursed in Portuguese as he was flung forwards. Joana pulled into the driveway and before she was even completely stopped, Dani jumped out and ran towards the barn. Mia got out fast as well and jogged to the back. Joana locked up and ran inside to get something before running back outside. As Mia rounded the corner of the expensive house she saw both of the mares, Amor and Tormento Oscura. They were prancing around and flinging their beautiful manes at the sight of Dani. Even from afar, Mia saw fear in Amor's eyes. She was looking wildly towards the closed barn door and would whinny loudly every once in a while. Joana shot out of the backdoor wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. Dani was waiting impatiently for Mia and Joana by the barn door. "Cmon! Hurry up!" he shouted. "I'm trying!" Joana shouted as she stumbled in her large rainboots she had slipped on. Mia got to the door first and Joana was right behind her. They briskly walked in and found a young man who looked only a few years older then Mia. He had spiky black hair and wore a very anxious expression. Dani practically pushed him out of the way and marched towards the back of the spacious barn. Joana apologized, "Je suis désolé!" He shook his head and said something rapidly in French that Mia didn't catch. He looked over at Mia and frowned. "I thought you said you were sending a vet over, Mrs Sanz." He said in a French accent. Mia stared back while Joana explained, "She's better then any vet. I trust her completely, Rafael." The trainer, Rafael, started to roll his eyes but then he seemed to have second thoughts as his eyes darted over to where Dani stormed over. Rafael was wearing jeans and a white jacket that said on the left pocket, Dice's Horses and Equine Home. But Mia could see quite clearly beneath the white shirt, a number 13 PSG shirt. "He's just here because of the famous Dani Alves." Mia thought with a bit of anger. "Par ici! Suis moi!" said Rafael. Rafael pointed back towards the way Dani headed and Mia and Joana hurried after. The barn turned sharply and Mia gasped. A large beam had fallen from the rafters and was laying across a broken stable. Big pieces of wood lay strewn about and tiny little splinters were everywhere. Rafael pointed with a shaky hand under the fallen beam. Joana ducked under first and saw something that made her cry out. Mia followed and ducked her head to get underneath. She looked up and her heart almost broke. There lay the beautiful white stallion, Diabo. He was lying upon some hay unnaturally. His legs were spread out at weird angles and his giant head was being cradled by a sobbing Dani. Tears kept dripping onto Diabo's face. Diabo had his eyes open but they weren't moving and looked strangely different. His sides were moving slowly up and down but other then that Diabo looked dead. Joana was lying her head down across his sides and Mia saw tears rushing down her face. Dani stood up slowly and gently put Diabo's head softly onto the hay. He looked at Mia and asked, "Can you do something?" Mia thought about crying herself but told herself, "You must be strong!" She nodded and wrapped Dani up in a hug. "Please I'll do anything!" the Brazilian sobbed. Mia hugged Dani for a while, while thinking, "I will cure Diabo if it's the last thing I do!" Dani broke away and Mia noticed his eyes didn't have the familiar mischievous twinkle in his eye. Instead he looked almost...hollow. Mia couldn't stand to see him like this. Dani or Diabo. Mia rubbed her hands together and said softly, "What happened to the beam?" Dani looked at Joana and said harshly, "Jo, why didn't you say anything about this?" Joana, who was now standing, looked frightened as she held her hands up in surrender. "I didn't know anything! Rafael didn't say anything about any beam falling down!" Something snapped in Dani's brain because he turned to Rafael who was gazing quite scared over the beam. "Rafael? Es-tu stupide?" Dani growled. Mia had never seen Dani like this. Usually he was a kind yet ornery fellow. Now his face was red and he looked like a snake about to strike. Rafael whimpered and mumbled something inaudible in French. "You're fired! I never want to see your pitiful face again!" yelled Dani with such fierceness that the barn shook and the mares whinnied loudly from outside. Dani marched up to Rafael who was shaking and muttering. Joana reached to Dani and yelled, "Dani, stop!" Dani didn't stop but marched up to Rafael and took a swing at him. The Frenchmen ducked and sprinted away. Mia and Joana grabbed Dani's arms to keep him back. "Baby, please stop! Me estas asustando!" Joana said wildly in Spanish. Dani was yelling curse words in many different languages and shaking. His face was flushed and he even tried kicking the girls to get away. Joana ran in front of Dani and grabbed his flailing arms. "Please. Listen to me! Dani Alves, just listen!" She begged. Dani stopped flailing and collapsed to the ground and started bawling. Joana sat down next to him and talked quietly in Spanish to him. Mia went to the other side of him and fell to the ground. She gently put her head on his shaking shoulder and caressed his arm. Mia loved Dani like a brother and didn't want to see him hurting like this. They were still in the stall and Diabo's breath was slowing down. His eyes were still looking forwards unmoving. Mia crawled over to the horse and stroked him on the neck. She looked around and saw chunks of wood near the white stallion's head. Mia looked over her shoulder to see Dani staring at her with a pained look. Joana was crying silently and had her head on her husband's shoulder. Dani blinked and asked Mia, "What should I do? Mia, I'll do anything." Mia stood up and looked over at the beam. "We need to move this thing first." Dani nodded and Joana wiped away some tears on her face. Dani stood and looked over at Diabo and Mia saw tears running down his face. Mia quickly hopped over to him and hugged him tight while whispering, "Dani, I know this is hard. But please be brave for Diabo. Diabo knows you're hurting. Be strong for him." "Mia, I'm so sorry. Neymar told me everything. You must think I'm silly crying about a horse when you have bigger problems with Messi!" Dani sobbed. Mia shook her head and put a string of hair behind her ear before replying, "No, Dani. I don't think you're being silly I think you're being normal. I couldn't bear losing my furry best friend either." She thought about Bonito at home who was probably wondering where the heck his owner was. Dani sighed and gazed at Diabo. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts and said, "Let's move this beam. Thanks Doctor Mia!" Mia smiled, glad to see Dani's sense of humor was back. The three quietly exited the stable and glanced at the beam. "Now what doc?" asked Dani. Mia furrowed her eyebrows before saying, "Dani get that end. Joana and I will manage over here!" Dani nodded and went to the opposite side of the girls. "Lift on 3. 1...2...3." Mia grunted and Dani puffed as they tried lifting the wooden beam. Mia put it down (even though it barely got off the ground) and sat down on it deep in thought. "Damn, we need more people. People with muscles." Dani mumbled. Mia thought distantly she heard a car door slam but then shook her head. She must be imagining things. "Did somebody say muscles?" a voice asked loudly from behind them. Mia jumped and turned and grinned. "Where the hell did you come from, Edinson?" Dani asked. Edinson laughed and pointed out of the barn. "Neymar, told me the code to get in. Marco and Kylian decided to come too. They just want to make sure Diabo is okay. I'm here just to check on my girlfriend." Just then Marco and Kylian came running gasping for air. "How-is-the-horse?" Marco panted. Kylian fell to the ground, exaggerating. Dani was scowling at Edinson because he didn't care about the horse. Mia turned to Marco and informed, "Not well, Marco. But first we need help moving this beam. Can you guys help a girl out?" Marco smiled which Mia thought was a yes and Kylian stood up nodding. Edinson walked over and hugged Mia. "Just call a vet or something. Let's go home." He whispered. Mia shook her way out of his tight embrace and frowned at her boyfriend. "Edi, I am the vet. Let me do my job." Edinson looked hurt for a second and then muttered, "Sorry, I just wanted to spend time with my girlfriend." Out of the corner of her eye, Mia saw Kylian roll his eyes at Edi. "Edi, there will be plenty of time. This is important." Mia said with her arms crossed. "I'm sorry. I just want to spend all the time I can with you." Edinson said softly. Mia blushed slightly. Did he really have to say that in front of everyone? Dani and Marco snickered softly but Joana hit Dani in warning and glared at Marco. Kylian sighed loudly. Mia said, "Edi, we can't have the relationship where you snuggle me to death. Of course I want to spend time with you but we each have our own lives. You can't be with me all the time seeing as your a professional football player." Edinson hugged Mia once more and sighed. During this awkward moment Kylian looked away out of a window and scratched his head, Marco looked upwards and started humming, Joana busied herself with her nails, and of course Dani took the time to say in a fake high voice, "All look! First fight as a couple! They've only been together for an hour and they already hate each other! How touching." Edinson rolled his eyes and glared at Dani and Mia thought, "I'm glad old funny Dani is back." After a long silence Edi kissed Mia's head and asked, "Alright Mia, what should we do?" Mia smiled up at Edinson, who grinned back. "Let's start moving this beam so we can get to Diabo better." Kylian exhaled loudly and said, "Took you guys long enough!" But Mia could see a slight grin (or was it a grimace?) on his face. Everyone got to different sides of the large beam and helped move it out of the way. Soon with many grunts and groans, the wooden beam was out of the way and to the side of the large barn. For the first time this day, Diabo slowly raised his head as if it pained him and whinnied softly. Dani rushed over to soothe the poor stallion. "Mia, please." Dani said softly while looking over his shoulder. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. "I'm here. I'm here for you babe!" Joana called out as she rushed to her husband's side. Mia swiftly walked over and said, "Aright. Dani and Joana would you please move? I need to get a closer look." Dani and Joana scurried away and the boys tried comforting their sad teammate. Mia knelt down by Diabo's still head and looked into his eyes. The stallion's ears moved so they were facing Mia so Mia knew he could hear her. Diabo's eyes were clouded over and unfocused. As Mia looked around the stable and saw bits of wood, it hit her. More like it hit Diabo. In the head. It was almost like he was... "Hey um Dani? I think I know what's wrong." Mia softly said. Dani looked up from Joana's shoulder and sniffled. Mia didn't want to break his heart anymore so she said weakly, "I um am gonna do some more tests just to make sure. But he needs to stand up. I think he'll be able to if we help him up." Mia's voice cracked slightly which made Joana sigh loudly. Marco gulped as he took Kylian and pushed him out of the way so that Dani could come over. Mia got Dani and Edinson by Diabo's back and Joana by his rear end. Marco was by the head and Kylian and Mia were going to help steady his legs once they touched ground. As they pulled him up Diabo snorted wildly and kicked out a foot. It barely missed Mia's head. "Shh. Shh. It's okay buddy." Dani said in a soothing voice. Mia said, "Dani, maybe you should go to Diabo's head to calm him down. Marco go by Edi." The boys switched and tried again. This time Diabo was calmer. Diabo was standing. A little wobbly but still standing. Dani moved slightly and Diabo took the time to strike out. Mia's eyes widened in fear as she saw a giant hoof coming right for her. She closed her eyes but quickly felt someone tackle her to the ground and cover her body. Diabo's snorts and cries were piercing the air and the sound of Dani and Joana slowly calmed the anxious stallion down. Whoever was on Mia rolled off her and Mia blinked and turned to her savior. "You're welcome." Kylian said with a grin. Mia giggled and bowed her head in thanks and said, "Thanks, Ky. That would of hurt. Trust me I've had it happen before." Kylian winced and said, "Ouch." Mia only shrugged. She looked around and noticed Edinson looking at Kylian with sharp eyes. Mia realized she was still on the ground near Kylian in a awkward position. Edinson cleared his mouth loudly and said, "So um the horse?" "Right." Mia quickly waved her hand in front of Diabo's face and frowned. Instead of his eyes following, they remained unmoving. Mia was pretty sure she knew what was going on but she just wanted to make sure. "What's Diabo's favorite snack?" asked Mia to Dani and Joana. Joana looked at Dani and shrugged. Mia looked over at Dani who said, "Apples I guess." Dani disappeared towards the front of the stable and returned shortly with 2 apples in hand. "Thanks." Mia said as Dani gave her an apple. She noticed that Dani's hands were shaking and gulped. Mia moves towards the standing horse and pointed back behind herself with her thumb and said quietly, "Can I have some privacy please? I don't want to startle Diabo." Edinson and Marco who were leaning on the stable door backed away out of sight and Kylian gently patted the stallion's back before nodding to Mia and walking out. Joana smiled at Mia who had blushed when Kylian looked her in the eyes. Joana then hugged Mia and exited. Dani stood hesitantly beside Diabo's head. Finally he kissed the horse and moved towards Mia with tears in his usually sparkly eyes. "Dani, it's only going to take a few minutes at maximum. Everything will be alright." Mia told her friend soothingly. Dani only nodded and briskly walked out. Mia sighed, hoping Diabo wasn't what she thought he was. Mia walked over to her patient and patted and scratched his head. Diabo who usually hated new people had been surprisingly calm so Mia knew from the start something was terribly wrong. She then took an apple that she had took from Dani and placed it in front of Diabo's face. His nostrils flared up and he snorted softly. Mia then proceeded to move the apple about. Diabo's nose followed but his eyes didn't. Mia gulped already sure but she did a few more tests to make sure. Once she was certain she knew what was going on she helped lead Diabo towards a water bucket so he could drink. She closed the stable door quietly and she walked to find everyone else. She went around the corner and saw Kylian scrolling through his phone looking grim, Marco staring up at the ceiling, Edinson looking out of place, and what hurt her heart the most was Joana and Dani crying together. As soon as Dani saw Mia he rushed over to her and gasped out, "What is it? Is my baby okay?" Mia only shook her head as everyone crowded around. Joana sighed and Dani made a choking sound. "I-I think Diabo has had some serious head trauma. Diabo is blind."
A/N: this is sad right? They just won and now the horsey can't see!! 😬
Ok so today psg was eliminated from the champions league. No joke, I literally cried. It was super sad and I love Man Utd too. I felt so bad for kimpembe like I wanted to hug the poor guy. I love Rashy so much but today (and probs for like a month) I hate his stinkin' guts. So I'm tryna get over it, they're gonna win Ligue 1 (they r winning by 20 pts) and hey the French ppl of the group won a World Cup. But yeah...still sad.
Anyways I just got snapchat so add me @jojo4chicken (yes ik it's weird, get over it) if I follow u back just dm me to say who u r or tell me in the comments here!