Entry: 😑😑😑 (BTS)

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A/N: Yup. I'm back, bitches. I just realized that I've been on hiatus for sOoOOo dAmN LOOONG. And for that, this jackass (yours truly) wants to apologize. Now it's time for me to sHuTeN uP, and continue on with this entry.

I've been wanting to get this off my chest. This has been happening frequently, and my poor, pURe self can't handle this anymore.

This happened recently; on President's Day, I think? So anyway, my Papa, Ate, and I were cleaning because Papa said that he wanted to surprise my Mama by having everything clean when she comes home (my Mama was at work). So he told me to sweep the floor while he and Ate went to set up Mama's greenhouse. So I did. Then he came in the house a few minutes later, and asked me to get his beanie. So, as the good, adorable, daughter I am, I put down everything, and went to get it. But after a few seconds later, he was saying, "You know what? I'll just get it."

So I was like, "Err, okay.. why'd you ask me when you were going to do it anyway?" I mean, it's common sense right? Or did my iq just flush down the drain from my long showers?

 why'd you ask me when you were going to do it anyway?" I mean, it's common sense right? Or did my iq just flush down the drain from my long showers?

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So he went outside after he got his beanie. Then he came in about 5 or 10 minutes later and told me to get another thing! But then he said, a-FUCKING-GAIN, "You know what? I'll just get it."

I wanted to pull out my hair at that moment.

So you see mi problema? There was another situation with my Ate. I think another with my Mama, as well. When will this torture end?? I might die early from this stress.

Love yourself, love myself, PEACE ✌️

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