- Believe in God -

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The sleek tiles of the airports collection point where cold and soothing to Cara's feet ,Although she'd not been walking all day her body was limp and meek after the over ten hour flight. She had been advised to rest up on the plane by staff  but it seemed impossible as flying was one of the main attributes to her always feeling sick!
Cara was never one for going out into the world , travelling from place to place seemed like pure raging hell to her. She was always the kind of girl to stay in and watch some crappy Netflix movie instead of trying to socialise with the world. Her parents had always told her to watch her manners then again her parents weren't the politest people , so she always used this as a comeback for when they corrected her on her tone of voice.
But living in new York had changed her as a person , she'd become more cautious as to whom she talked to as anyone on the tube would snap at her if she apologised for bumping into them. She'd also become very paranoid of the population of New York in general as they had now idea how hard life for an "old fashioned country gal" living in the city.
And that's why Cara was back in the same place she had left about two years ago for the city she now despised.
Nome was her home town hidden away in Alaska and boy had she missed it , the collection point was practically empty apart from the name tagged Eddie the janitor mopping the floors , if she where in new York there would have been hordes of people waiting for transport.
Her sour eyes skimmed the words of the pages of her book , she could barley keep track of what was reading As her eyes  where so heavy with the curse of sleep ! She had almost closed her eyes until they snapped open at the sound of a single humans voice .
"Where you headed to mam?" Eddie the janitor asked a huge smile plastered on his wrinkled and aged face .
"My parents house , I'm Susan and Buddy's daughter." She told him
"Aw buddy I know him! So sorry to hear about Susan , she was a very kind woman." He apologised
Cara took a deep breath ,her mother had died just before she moved away one of the main reasons why she had left for the big city , one of the other curses Cara suffered from apart from sleep was the curse of looking like her mother . She was the spitting image of her , she had the same jet black hair , green luminous eyes , full luscious  lips that where naturally red and plump as well as having the same nose as her , slim but rounded. She even had the same build as her mother being unusually tall for a woman at 5,11  and being slim but yet hinted with muscle.
It was agony to look in the mirror as Cara didn't see herself , she saw her mother .

"Wow don't you look like her !" Eddie remarked
"I suppose we look similar, how did you know my parents if you don't mind me asking?" She questioned him back
"I used to deliver food supplies for a year for them when I worked with the supermarket"
"Aw is see , I wouldn't have gotten to meet you I had already moved out by then."
"Where to?"
"The big apple , didn't like it so I came back" she told Eddie truthfully
Eddie gave her another grin , she hoped he wouldn't talk about her mother again or she'd just loose it at him ! She didn't like to talk about her to people she barley knew , she didn't even talk about her much to people she knew well.
"I don't know what to expect which is why i moved there , but I didn't like the unexpected." She reflected
There was moment of silence before someone spoke only it wasn't Cara or Eddie , it was another man yelling ...
"Miss Cara ?" A confused yell erupted from a man in a puffer jacket jeans and baseball cap. Cara guessed he was cab driver so headed over to him giving a shy wave goodbye to Eddie whom gave a kind bow before going back to mopping the floor .
"That's me" she beamed to the cab driver , he to was quite young at least mid thirties to forty's with brown hair she could see was already balding under his cap.
"Where to ?" He asked in a dull voice
" Just Nome Lakers farm please , do you need the postcode ?" Cara asked curiously
"No , we won't need it?" He answered her oddly
We? What did he mean by "we" Cara wondered before loading her luggage into the boot of the taxi and getting into the back of the ice cold cab.
Cara didn't believe in God at this time , but whatever miracle kept her through what happened to her next must have been an angel.

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