New Beginnings

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Cold. That's all I can feel. My eyes snap open and I feel entirely numb. The frigid feeling stabs through the numbness, battling for control. After a few long minutes that felt like hours, it leaves me and I'm able to get out of bed. I walk into the bathroom and over to the shower but stop and backtrack after glancing at my reflection. My ears have become way more pointed, my face has taken on a more aristocratic shape, my hair has straightened, and my scar has disappeared. My eyes are drawn down to the rest of my body. I've put on a bit of weight and my muscles have grown, making me less scrawny and more lithe. My eyes travel back up my reflection to my eyes, now a glowing gold. How strange. Silently, I walk over to my trunk and open it to my robes. Pulling out my only nice-ish robes, I dress and, after shrinking my trunk, stalk down the stairs. Aunt Petunia is in the kitchen when she sees me and she glares in my direction.
"How dare you waste—" she cuts off after seeing my changes.
"Do you know?" She asks quietly, a small smile on her face. I raise an eyebrow and she guides me over to the dining room with a seemingly new-found Pureblood grace. Now I'm really confused. She sits and gestures for me to sit. I do so hesitantly. She pulls out her wand and waves it over herself. Wait...her wand?! She changes greatly until she mum?!

A/N: Dun dun dunnnnnnn!

My eyes widen and she smiles at me and tucks her hair behind her ear, revealing pointed ears like mine.
"Wait...does that mean...Dudley is my half-brother?!" My voice goes up in pitch as I finish my sentence. She shakes her head.
"Heavens no! He's still Petunia's son. It was her idea to switch with me after our sons were born. She was stricken with a cancer that manifested after Dudley's birth and she wanted to apologize after all the teasing from our childhood. I reluctantly agreed. Dumbledore killed her and James. Tom had nothing to do with it. And so, I've been living here, avoiding Dursley at all costs." She shudders. I nod, processing what my mum's just told me.
"You need to go to Gringotts so you can claim your inheritances, though it's early by a few years. Usually you'd get it at 16, but over time, I've been breaking the blocks placed on them little by little. They probably broke enough to appear." She stands and waves her wand over her clothes, Transfiguring them into midnight blue robes.
"I have some things I need to do and will meet you here at 7." She looks me in the eye before hugging me and DisApparating. I put up a Notice-Me-Not charm before I Apparate to Gringotts and walk inside. I keep my head held high as I walk up to Griphook's desk.
"I'd like to claim my inheritances." I keep an air of superiority in my tone.
"Right away." He holds a knife out to me and I take it and cut my fingertip. I let a few drops of blood hit the parchment before drawing my hand away.
The paper reads:

Name: Heir Hadrian Jameson Potter
Age: 14

Maternal Parent: Lillian Rose Potter nèe Grindelwald - alive

Paternal Parent: Jameson Charlus Potter - dead
Godmother(s): Bellatrix Lestrange nèe Black, Narcissa Malfoy nèe Black
Godfather(s): Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Black nèe Lupin
Blocks ~ keyed into Albus Dumbledore:
Magic core block - broken 50%

Creature inheritance block - broken 90% - Woodland Elf - dominant - mate: Charles Septimus Weasley - Hungarian Horntail - submissive

Charms/Hexes ~ keyed into Albus Dumbledore:

Hatred hex (to any and all things/people Dark) - broken 50%

Trust Charm (to any and all things/people Light) - broken 50%

Glamour - broken 0%

"For the low price of 10 galleons, we can take all blocks off of you and help you claim your inheritances. We'll even throw in a Black Card, usually save them for our Lords, but a dominant Woodland Elf is rare." Griphook smiles at me and his smile grows after I nod, still dazed by some of the information I just recieved. Mum is a Grindelwald?! Charlie is my mate?!
"Just take it out of one of my vaults." I murmur. He nods and clicks his fingers. An ornately carved and decorated black box appears on the table.
He rises and I follow suit. Leading me into a room off to the side with runes carved into the floor, Griphook stops and murmurs something in Gobbledygook to another goblin. He gestures for me to step into the circle so I do, and the chanting starts almost immediately. Once the pain hits, I merely turn on my magic and it numbs. When it's over, I turn my numbing magic off and I can feel again. I saunter over to the mirror, and am shocked by what I see, and the fact that my senses are extremely heightened. I've grown taller and I can feel my magic wells deepening and strengthening. My ears have gotten pointier but other than that nothing else physical has changed. I turn back to Griphook and he gestures for me to follow him back to his desk. I do so and he opens the box to reveal 6 beautiful and unique rings. Taking the Hogwarts Founders' rings out first, I inspect them before putting them all into my right ring finger. Hufflepuff's is a black gold with topaz set into the top, its crest engraved into it. Ravenclaw's band is made of silver engraved with protective runes. Sapphire with an eagle engraved into it sits on top. Gryffindor's is, of course, a band of gold with a ruby engraved with a roaring lion set in it. They combine to form a ring made of pieces of all three metals with three-fourths of the Hogwarts crest upon it. I turn my attention to the three others. They go onto my right middle finger. The Potter ring is made of rose gold and has three rubies set into it, each bearing a rose. The Black ring is made of obsidian and has a diamond with the Black family crest embossed upon it. The Lestrange ring is made of platinum and has opal on it carved with an intricate 'L'. They combine to form a crest with a small bit of each in it. The band is made of a bit of rose gold, obsidian, and platinum. I put it onto my right ring finger. I look up at Griphook and he clicks his fingers once more. A black credit card appears and he hands it to me. On the front is my name and numbers (y'know...the ones on the fronts of credit cards). I put it into my pocket and look back up at Griphook.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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