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I saw a girl that looked semi-familiar... Then I looked at her face...Raya... I ran to her. "Raya What's wrong?" She sniffled "My dad has returned, King Morla has returned"

King Morla... Murderer of my family. All but my parents. They wanted my family's secret Ninjitsu lessons. He wanted his knights to be like our family. Only our family was trained to be like that. The secret locket is still unfound. Only a family member or "chosen one" can wear it. Otherwise that person will be killed and die along with the lockets powers. No one has been able to kill the king. The staff of Amorim is the only weapon people can take in our family. All the others are within the locket...

I started crying. I put in my clothes and grabbed Raya's wrist. "Where are we going?" Raya asked. "To the castle" she stopped "I can't!" I paused and looked at her worried"Why not?" She sighed "He used to beat me. He nodded anted me to find the last Dimechi but I refused so from that day forth he raped and beat me whenever he pleased. When he left I thought I was free"


At the castle*

I kicked the giants doors down. The king looked at me. Then at Raya. "Raya go to your room!" I grabbed her wrist "She's staying with me!!!" I yelled. The king stumbled back slightly. Then her siblings came through the door. They gasped when they saw their father "Guys she was gonna kill me help!" They were going to him "Do not turn the tables! They might be dumb enough to believe you! And you're right I'm gonna kill you. After what you've done" I ran to him holding his collar from behind. "This so called father of yours raped and beat your sister. Just to get me!" I threw him to them. He was harmless with me there. "YOU DID WHAT?!?!" They all screamed. "Y-You're not t-the last Dimechi... Are you..?" The king asked and I nodded "W-Wheres the locket then?!" I laughed quietly "The locket chooses the person. The person it chooses doesn't choose sides and fights for all. The locket chooses a worthy person that is willing to help everyone and protect the people of the planet no matter what colour, race or origin. Because the locket believes in equality, as do I. We're all people in the end. We all have a heart and a brain. What's on the outside shouldn't matter. So you don't choose the locket. The locket chooses you" they all gasped and pointed at my neck. It was the locket.

I guess what Grandfather said was true. "Magic has its reasons for doing things. Whether it's bringing back bad memories or good ones... It has its reasons"

The locket yet again, runs in the family...

Bullied by the dolan twins~ G.D E.DWhere stories live. Discover now