Imagine 2

898 15 3

Y/N's Pov
"I CANT BELIEVE YOU BRYSHERE!!" you said throwing a plate at the wall and watching it shatter
You just found out your boyfriend of 4 years has been cheating on you for two years
"I just don't understand, why Bryshere. I COOK FOR YOU, I CLEAN THIS HOUSE, I STAY HERE AND SUPPORT YOU THROUGH EVERYTHING WHEN YOU WERE SLEEPING IN YOUR CAR WHO TOOK YOU IN? ME AND YOU GIVE ALL THAT UP FOR SOME RANDOM BITCH" you were standing in his face eyes full of tears "Bryshere...just..go"

"Y/N.. baby please just talk to me, please you're the one I want just let me explain" he was down on his knees with his arms on your hips, he began to cry

"Bryshere get off me..and just get out's over." You moved away from him and went upstairs to pack his bags leaving him there with that same sad look he always gave when he messed up
"Baby please..I have nothing without you am I nothing unless I'm with you, you literally have my heart I'm in love with you, I always have been I always will be just let me please stop packing my stuff...I-I need you please"

he was literally in tears and it took everything in you not to go over there and wrap yourself in his arms but this time you had to be strong

"Bryshere? Look at me." You picked his head up "You are the love of my life baby, and you know that I've loved you through everything and I never stopped, as much as I wanna hate you right now I can't because you are the one who has my heart, but right now baby my heart is hurting and we need space, so just go I love you." You handed him his bags and went and sat on the bed

"Make sure you leave the keys here"
"Y/N I'm gonna do everything to make us whole again..don't give up on me I'll be at Woody's house if you still care, I love you pooh"
And with that Bryshere walked out and you watched him as he drove off.

Just Imagines - Bryshere GrayWhere stories live. Discover now