Imagine 4

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Today was the first day of senior year and I was super excited I became head cheerleader and I'm the most popular, but just because I'm all those things I'm still super friendly and helpful to anyone that ask, I pulled up to school ready to take it all
In I walked in the building and saw my best friend
"Hey Ryan"
"Hey are you ready to start senior year?"
"Yes I have a feeling this is going to be a fantastic year I mean look at me, I'm royalty around here" I said laughing
"Yeah you are"
We stood by our lockers talking and laughing until we heard this loud noise
"Ugh there goes Keith again bothering another new kid" Ryan scoffed she couldn't stand Keith he was an asshole and everyone knew it
"Well I'm tired of him being a dick and I'm gonna do something about it" I closed my locker and started towards Keith
"Girl wait up"
Keiths POV
"LOSERS USE THAT HALLWAY" he said as he kicked the new kid in his chest, but before he could do anymore damage Y/N came and pushed him out the the way
"Leave him alone you asshole!!" She screamed in his face "look he's bleeding just get out of here, don't you get tired of messing with innocent people" y/n was pissed off
"Whatever you bitch" he began walking away "I'll see you around loser"
"DID HE JUST CALL MY BESTFRIEND A BITCH, NOPE ILL HANDLE HIM, KEITHHHHH!!!!" Ryan began chasing him down the hall and I turned over to help the new guy up
Brysheres Pov
She's so....beautiful and the way she stood up for me, no ones ever did that I get bullied a lot no matter where I go.. I'm just not normal enough for people
"You didn't have to.." I said coughing up blood
"Trust me I've been waiting to handle him, here let me help you up" she bent down and helped me stand up
"Thanks by the way I'm Bryshere and you are?"
"Y/N" she said smiling she has brown skin and dimples and nice curly hair she was beautiful
"You know that name me beautiful, you're beautiful" I said smiling we both just kept looking at eachother ..
"Here let me help you up, grab my hand" I grabbed her small hand and she pulled me up and I grabbed my books
"Thank you"
"No problem, can I take you to the nurse it looks pretty bad" she said looking at my face
"I'll be okay...I'll see you around" I said starting to walk away
He is so....cute I mean besides the busted lip he had these perfect white teeth, and these deep dimples and when he spoke it sent chills down my back, I need to get to know him, I have to.

Just Imagines - Bryshere GrayWhere stories live. Discover now