Chapter 2

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Jeremy's pov:
I calmed down fully after Micheal spoke a few more words to me and I sniffed, continuing to cling to the Filipinos hoodie. I don't think I've ever been so hurt in my life, I'm so lucky to have someone like Micheal to make me feel better when bullshit like this happens. I'm honestly still surprised that he continued to hang out with me after the whole SQUIP incident.. He's seriously the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me, putting a hand on my cheek and wiping away the rest of my tears with the back of his sleeve. I blushed a soft pink but it couldn't be noticed since my cheeks were already pink due to me crying my eyes out. I quietly played with Micheals hoodie strings, wrapping them around my fingers and letting them go after a few moments. I looked up to see him turning a shade of red and I looked back down, stuffing my face back into his chest. It always felt so good when I was able to be this close to him, I loved his scent- weed, and vanilla- it was so soothing and I couldn't get enough of it. I felt his arm wrapping back around my waist and I scooted closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. He chuckled softly and I smiled, laughing softly into his chest. He smiled and I looked back up at him, he looked back at me and smiled. "Feeling better Jer-bear?" He asked sweetly and I nodded, I hated yet loved when he called me that.

Micheal's Pov:
Jeremy looked so cute when he had that dorky smile on his face. It made me feel like we were the last people standing on the planet. It made me happy to see him smile, he hadn't smiled in the past two days and it was making me feel worse than I could explain. I hate to admit this but I'm kind of glad that he and Christine broke up, it gave me an actual chance to win over his heart like I've been trying to for the past twelve years. "Feeling better Jer-bear?" I asked just to make sure he was truly feeling any sort of better. When he nodded it felt like butterflies were in my stomach all over again, I'm so lucky to have him in my life. Everything about him was so perfect, from the freckles on his face to the soft brown curls that always fell in the way of his eyes. I looked into his bright blue eyes and he looked back into my dark brown ones. I smiled and chuckled, engulfing him in a hug once again. "Since it's the weekend do you maybe want to come over to my house? Play some Apocalypse of the Damned?" He nodded quickly. "And we can get stoned." He quickly added, giggling a little. I nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I chuckled and I stood up, helping him off his bed and walking to his bedroom door, he grabbed his phone and shoved it in the pocket of his jeans. Damn those jeans fit him so perfectly, I shook my head slightly, snapping out of my trance and smiling at him.

Jeremy's Pov:
I shoved my phone into my pocket after Micheal helped me up and I walked back over to him, noticing him staring at me and I laughed a little. "Earth to Micheal?" He snapped out of it and laughed it off. "Let's go you, dork." I let out a laugh and he playfully punched me in the arm. "You're the dork, not me!" I giggled and blushed, walking out of my room and looking behind me to see the beautiful Filipino following behind me. God, he was so fucking handsome. I mean who couldn't fall for such a beautiful boy? Honestly whoever didn't was probably either blind or stupid.

(Hopefully you like this chapter, next chapter should be soon! 💖 666 words)

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