Chapter 6 Not good

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I walked to lunch as slow as I could. Overwhelming amounts of people tended to bother me.

I reached the pale green doors of the lunch room pushing them open. The buzzing of the cafeteria filled my ears. I quickly grabbed a tray got my lunch and sat at the table in the back near the door, I stared at my food waiting for Amber to show up. 

We had been served  some weird concoction of gelatinous gloop. It was mashed potatoes with some sort of watered down gravy with chunks of mystery meat on top.  I pushed the pile of mush around half expecting  it to reanimate and crawl off my plate. 

But before it could I felt a body sit next to me. I looked up to see Amber, she was staring at her food too.  

I laughed at my friends' mortified expression knocking her out of her trance. Amber quickly turned to me  laughing.   Amber and I usually sat in the back of the cafeteria at the oldest scratched up table. It was a pale green and scrapes and scratches  covering it everywhere. 

Amber liked it, she said it carried memories of the school and students before us. I just thought it was an old table that had been mistreated. But Amber was definitely an optimist and free spirit while I was the pessimistic realist. Maybe thats why we fitted together so well Amber kept me lively and imaginative while I kept her on the ground. Either way she definitely was something else.

Amber was a strong black woman and she never let her curls bother her even when people around here tried to get under her skin. Amber really was stunning and the student council president , it was no wonder why she was so social. Amber had dark almost black coffee colored skin ,with chestnut curls, green eyes, and strong nose and cheek bones. People really loved her glass half full approach on life. 

" Hey I asked  around about that dude and get this no one knows who he is." Amber told me giving me a concerning look.

" w-what do you mean?" I  stuttered to Amber.

" I mean no one has any idea who he is. No one has ever heard of him or seen him." Amber said 

I looked at Amber fear drenching my face. For a town this size everyone knows everybody even if they're new.  I mean, even I had the first scoop on people before Amber could say anything. For neither of us to know...this is a problem. 

" You don't think he's someone who wants revenge on your dad do you?" Amber asked me looking at me puzzled. 

"I don't know... I've got to go Amber " I said to my best friend getting up from the table and leaving.

" Good luck D." Amber yelled out after me. 

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