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How are you?

I know that there is a rare chance that people fall in love

And that was the time you thought you fell for me

But heart can't be commanded to fell back

The laughter and tears I shared with you

Those things that I never thought had marked in your heart

I'm sorry that I didn't saw you when I'm like a crystal in your eyes

When all you wanted is my heart but it's just my attention is what I gave

How whimsical love is, the one you love doesn't love you but love someone else who doesn't love her back

So here it goes, the words I want to tell you before you let go

Thank you and I'm sorry, for loving me.

I felt special because of you but I hope you didn't regret meeting me.

When the time comes and we meet again, I will tell you these;

Who says dumper doesn't feel heartache when they dump people?

And who says you do not become special to me?

Yes, you are, because the moment you made me feel special, I saw a man who deserves love.

Dear, him. (The Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now