Chapter 1

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uhhhhhhbb- Okay- Look- My ideas are really fucking weird so why not combine Greek Gods and make OC's out of them, am I right ?? Hhhh- Fuck- Why are you reading this- You know my character stories suck ass.


".... Ello'...?" I was confused, and cold, and wet... I just took a brutal beating from Zayven and I woke up here... Where I was beaten, there were people looking horrified and being told to move on or acting like they were blocking a scene from innocent eyes.

My head was spinning and I felt tired and still confused. "Ello!" I called again.

No one took notice of me. Whatever was going on must've been pretty bad...

I finally decided to look around.

Lying at my feet was smashed pieces of a P.A.K......

My P.A.K to be more specific....

And yet here I was feeling completely fine with it off and broken.

I turned around.

And it started to dawn on me.

There I was, a bloodied mess, the place where my P.A.K had been was deserted and left bare, my eyes were wide open with evident shock still in them, despite being clouded and looking off into the distance at nothing, a sickening dent in my head where I was beaten with a metal object Zayven had used on me...

I was fucking dead.

I wasn't sure what to feel. It all hit me at once.

"..... Ello!?" I shouted. No one took any notice. I walked in front of someone walking past. They ran into me, and I fell over, but they didn't notice me.

So, I was dead.

But I can touch people and they can touch me. But I don't technically exist.

My head hurts...

I rubbed my head, it felt like it was pounding.

I stood up.

I didn't believe any of this.

This is some sick joke, right??

I'm always up for a good prank, but this was to far for my liking.

I felt a hand lay on my shoulder.

"Good evening, Dolan." A voice said.

Their voice gave me a chill up my spine, and their hand was cold, and I felt eyes burning into my back.

I turned quickly and faced whoever the stranger was.

I felt uneasy as I looked at them.

Their eye's were a bronze colour but they looked fogged over, milky almost. They were blind, yet it still felt like I was getting stared at.

They wore a dark tan ragged robe, and dark gray, maybe black pants, and standard black boots and gloves.

He had a metal collar fastened around his neck, a tiny key hole in it, and I could see a silver necklace just barely out from under it.

They had 2 dots under both of his eyes, 4 in total. 2 black and 2 white, but they looked smudged and faded, and their expression was completely blank, but they still looked calm.

I just stared at him. I didn't know what to say to this guy.

After a minute of me staring I finally managed it.

Dolan/Jerry (Character Backstory)Where stories live. Discover now