Chapter 2

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Before we start, I know the Greek "God" Dolos isn't technically a real God, he's a Greek spirit (I think. Wikipedia isn't very helpful.) But for people who know a lot about the Gods, you can PM me and tell me.

    And, no. None of the Gods from Norse Mythology is here. (Thor, Loki, Odin, etc.)

There are also made up Gods, or Gods based off of Roman, Egyptian, Chinese and Japanese God mythology. So it's a mix of a lot of things.

  If you have any questions about them just ask it on my Character /Author Q&A book.

I groaned and I blinked open my eyes, I had blacked out, but I was still standing with Oracle standing infront of me.

his hand lifted off my chest slowly and I fell back when he did, with a hard thud.

I groaned again, but I quickly sat up. My head felt like it was spinning and small white stars danced across my vision.

Oracle helped me up and dusted me off, I held my head trying to stop it and I stumbled a little from the new weight on my back.

It took a minute but the the stars cleared and I was faced with Oracle. He released my shoulders and I fell back.

I saw his expression change, looking perplexed, but only for a few seconds. But I saw that amused glint his eye.

"Well... Dolan... It appears you're to small for wings... You can't withstand their weight..." Oracle said. I could hear his amusement.

I felt a little angry and my face went hot in embarrassment. I was self-conscious of my height, and being told this only made it worse.

I tried to stand and defend myself, but it was a hassle.

I glared back at the things holding me down. I stared at the wings on my back.

They were a faded colour, the same sorta colour as my left eye.

They were the soft, and it took me a minute to find out how to move them...

I spread them out and they were gigantic. I was embarrassed that I couldn't withstanding wings, but no wonder I couldn't.

I looked up at Oracle and he leaned down and he ran his hands along my wings. I shivered and pulled away from him.

I stood.... My wings were smaller, and I could stand. I looked at them in wonder, admiring them.

Oracle nodded. "That should work."

I nodded and I looked at him.

".... So.... m' dead.... but m' a god?" I asked.

Oracle nodded. "Correct."

I looked down, the fact that this was happening....

I sneezed.

I saw that amused glint in his eye. "Bless you." Oracle said.

"... Than-" I sneezed, again.

Oracle stared at me for a moment.

"I don't think wings suit you very well, Dolos." Oracles said.

"...My namez Dolan...?" I said, confused.

"Dolos is your God name... The God of tricks and lies." Oracle said.


Oracle put his hands on my wings and they glowed brightly, turning into stars and melting into me, which scared me.

It sent a warm feeling through my body, but I still shuddered.

Oracle looked at me and he took a step back. "Give it a try..." He said

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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