Unforgivable & Unforgettable {1}

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Chapter 1:

Melanie's' POV.

*7 years later*

I looked outside the window, staring at my apartment building. My dad walked outside carrying the last box labeled MELANIE'S SHOES. Sighing I put in my headphones and turned up the song that was playing. It was 'Breakaway' by Kelly Clarkson. I started singing along.

Grew up in a small town

and when the rain would fall down

I'd just stare out my window

dreaming of what could be

and if I'd end up happy

I would pray

Trying hard to reach out

But when i'd try to speak out

Felt like no one could hear me

Wanted to belong here

But something felt so wrong here

So I pray

I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly

I'll do what it takes

Till I touch the sky

And I'll make a wish

Take a chance

Make a change

And Breakaway

I sighed and tapped on the dashboard, waiting for my dad to come and take me on the other side of the country to my new home. He got a new job and now were being relocated to Beverly Hills, California. I grew up here, all my friends (not that I had any) and the people I knew were here. Now because of his stupid job we have to move to the other side of the country. From our  dirty, but cozy little apartment in Manhattan, New York to California.

My dad got in the truck he rented to move all our things. He grinned at me.

'Melanie, you get a fresh start. When we get there were gonna move into a better place and you can make friends and every things gonna be OK.'

I just nodded and put my headphones back in. I felt the truck back out the drive way. Closing my eyes I fell into a deep slumber.

My head smashed against the window. I sat up in alarm looking around.

'Sorry, there was a big bump in the road.' My dad said without look from the road.

'Where are we?'

'Were in Los Angeles'

'LOS ANGELES ARE YOU SERIOUS!' I shrieked. He nodded. I looked out the window an saw palm trees, and skyscrapers. Scanning the horizon my eyes landed on a familiar sight.

'Oh my god dad, there's the HOLLYWOOD SIGN!' I needed to take a picture of this.

'DAD SLOW DOWN SO I CAN TAKE A PICTURE' I screamed in his ear. Anger and annoyance flashed in his eyes. He reached over and turned my head from the window and slapped me. He kept his eyes the road, not looking over once.

He said in a low dangerous voice 'I am your father you will respect me, I will now allow you scream in my ears and order me around. I am the parent and you do as I say not the other way around' He sneered at me and threw my head against the window.

I gritted my teeth to prevent from screaming, tears ran down my face. My head throbbed and I knew there was going to be a nasty bruise there. I fell asleep hoping that my nap would ease the pain.

I felt someone shaking me awake.

'Were here' He announced in a gruff voice.

Nodding to signal that I heard him. I looked up and gasped. In front of me was a three story house with a fountain in front.There was a garden leaning around to the back. I scrambled out the car and walked up to the steps. My dad pushed past me and opened the door. I gasped when I saw the entrance. There was a huge chandelier and marble floors with paintings of abstract art. There was a plush strip of carpet leading into the living room. I followed it and found a big space where the TV was supposed to go. Cream colored couches lined the perimeter of the room. A glass coffee table lined with stainless steel sat in the middle of the room. I turned around and walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was massive but cozy. It had an island in the middle of it with high chairs pushed in. The refrigerator blended in with the cabinets. All the appliances were stainless steel.

I turned around and walked up the spiraling glass staircase. I decided to go left. Double doors in french white with gold doorknobs came into my line of vision. Running up to it i threw it open. I walked onto the plush white carpet. The top a  four post king sized bed was pushed against the wall. The duvet was a mixture between peach and cream. The walls matched the duvet. A desk sat in the corner. On top was a lamp, an apple laptop, a remote for the T.V. I turned around and saw the 50 inch plasma screen television.

I saw another door with handles, I walked over to it and pulled it open. My jaw dropped inside was a closet full of clothes. Shoes, purses, dresses, jewelry everywhere. I'm not really a dress kind of girl, but they were gorgeous. I closed the doors and walked tot he other door. It was a bathroom. Everything was pure white. A shower,jacuzzi with a T.V. installed on the wall in front of it. The tap was stainless steel and so was the shower handle. I turned and walked out the bathroom. I'm in awe how could he afford all of this. Just a few days ago we were living in a ratty old apartment in New York. Now were in a full out mansion.

I walked out the room and back down the stairs. I'll tour the rest of the house later. I saw my dad downstairs stacking up boxes.

'Dad, how did could you afford all of this?'

'Well my new job pays really good and they gave me this house for free.'

'Cool, when do I start school?'

'Next week Monday so start familiarizing yourself with the neighborhood'

I nodded then walked into the kitchen and found the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fully stocked fridge.

I called out 'Dad I'm gonna go head out and sight see. I have my phone.'

I heard a grunt signalling that he heard me. I grabbed my phone from the counter and walked out the door.

Beverly Hills here I come.

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