Once Upon a Time

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*Present Time - 2015*

Once upon a time, should I start it out like that? Once, in a far away land, how about that? No? It still sucks right. Let me think....

Okay, I'll start it like this. 

My name is Mark Mathur. I am telling you my name for a reason. I was involved in an accident ten years ago. I am currently thirty-two years old which makes me pretty old.

Let me explain to you what happened that fate full night ten years ago. 

Ohhhhhhhh, it sounds like a scary movie opening. Trust me, its not scary, just sad. 


*Ten Years Ago*

"Come on babe, why can't we go see the movie tonight?" Shane hounded. He's been begging and begging to get me to take him to see the new movie of The Ninja Turtles. I've seen it already, and when Shane found out, he didn't talk to me for a week. Worst week of my life. And now every time he asks to go see it, he pulls the guilt card that I have seen it but didn't take my boyfriend. 

Yes, I am gay and very proud. 

"Fine, alright." I complied this time. We both went and changed from our scummy sweatpants to nice black, ripped skinny jeans and band t-shirts. I am wearing a Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt, and Shane wearing a One Direction t-shirt. 

We climbed into my car, that is really old, and blared the music. As I pulled out of the drive way and onto the road Shane started singing and dancing and I couldn't help but laugh. 

I seen that we were coming up to a stop light that was red, so I had to stop. I slowed to a stop while laughing at Shane.

I smiled. "Shane, I love you." I stated seriously.

Shane looked at me with his special dark grey eyes and smiled, "I love you too, babe. I'm so excited to go see this movie." To which, he giggled at. 

I stared at Shane some more. How did I get so lucky to have him? His shaggy light brown hair that swung just below his eyes making him get irritated and swing and brush it out of the way for him to see. His perfectly shaped button nose that compliments his cheek bones, jaw line, and of course his eyes and mouth. His dark grey eyes seemed to light up when he would see an animal or when he talked about his precious One Direction and Ninja Turtles. He is pretty short for his age at nineteen, he stands about five even; if not, shorter. He is just adorable and I am glad to be able to call him mine. 

"Babe, are you going to go?" Shane's voice broke through my thoughts. "The light is green." 

I nodded my head and faced forward, and sure enough the light was green. I pressed the gas forward. 

If maybe I wasn't so stuck on Shane, or so stuck on staring at Shane; I would have noticed the ongoing car on the other side of the road, heading right towards us as full speed. 

It seemed in slow motion, I looked at Shane with my mouth open in horror and I'm sure my eyes were already filled with tears, the car was headed right on his side. Shane looked confused as to what I was looking at. Shane turned his head and seen the car flying towards him. 

A ear piercing scream erupted from him, breaking my heart even further. Then the impact happened. The car hit head on into Shane's side the of the car, smashing Shane closer to me. I reached and grabbed his hand when Shane yelled out in pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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