Finding Water

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Smoke and Ash.

Miles and miles of smoke and ash as far beyond the eyes could see, that's all Five could see. Clutching himself, he trudged along the ruins of a broken city. One hand held an eyeball, and the other carrying a rope that dragged along a department store mannequin.

His stomache hurt. His eyes burned. He couldn't even remember when he'd eaten last. It must have been days. And yet, hardly a month since he got there, the entire city was still smoking like a damn barbecue. Oh god. Barbecue. Mom's crispy tender barbecue chicken. Before Five knew it, his mouth was watering, but all he could do was shallow his dry throat.

Water. He needed water too.

Some time during the search for water, Delores got caught onto a stray pipeline. Five spent a few minutes to free her, but the sight underneath was too much.

A girl's body—your body—impaled by building wire. Your eyes were closed, skin lacking life, but splattered with dried blood, and the worst of it all, the pipes weren't in any vital spots.

She must have had a slow death, Five thought to himself.

Pity pooled in his stomache instead of food. If the situation wasn't so grim, he would've thought you to be cute. He also couldn't bear to look at your body, yet when he looked away, he did notice a water bottle in your hand. It was a baby blue bottle with little rainbows. Functional with personality. It reminded him of Klaus.

"Sorry." Five's shaky hand tucked the eyeball away in his academy jacket, "but I really need your water."

He uncurled your fingers from the bottle, his face grimacing as he did so. It felt wrong to steal from a girl, especially a dead girl, however, if Five didn't take it he'd be in the same boat soon. Plus, he was the one still alive, so that had to count for something, right?

Five took a step back from your body.


The gratitude felt empty since you weren't there to hear it.

With both hands, Five grasped the waterbottle tightly. He took one last glance at your body, then continued onward in his hellish apocalyptic life.

Five would never let it go, the waterbottle, nor the memory of meeting you. In fact, the bottle was the one thing he had managed to take with him when the time vortex sucked him back into the past.

It was inevitable though, that he would meet you—well, the you that was alive. It was also inevitable that he'd become attached to you, but that was a problem for the future Five. Right now, present Five just needed a drink of water; so drink he did.

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