Brother Bonding

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Klaus was enjoying a good day so far.

Made some quick cash by selling an old Mexican lady's churros, bought a couple of bags of angel dust, and then got drunk sometime around 11.

All things considered, it was productive. Poor Ben though, he had to watch Klaus struggle through withdrawal early brunch time. Now, the duo was sitting in his room with Ben leaning by the door and Klaus on his bed, gazing dopey eyed at the ceiling.

Cue Five popping in unannounced.

"Klaus, give me the strongest bottle of scotch you have."

He landed promptly next to Klaus on his bed, his eyes wide in shock and veins pumped with adrenaline.

"JESUS!" Klaus's body hit the floor with a THUD, "Five, give a guy a little warning!"

"Scotch. Now."

Five stared at the ceiling, one hand on his chest, the other ripping into blankets. Meanwhile, Klaus struggled to get his ass off the floor. All you could see was his thin hand grab onto the sheets for support then his leg heaved over next. He had blinked twice to process Five's demands.

"What? Scotch? I don't have—"

"Yes, you do."

Klaus scoffed, "No—"

"Yes. You do." Five jerked his head to Klaus, looked him dead in the eye and said, "I know you have some, Klaus. Hand it to me."

The eyes, god the eyes. Don't do it, Klaus. Don't. He tried so hard, yet failed even harder. Dammit, Five.

"I don't have any...OKAY, fine! I do. Steal my whole stash while you're at it!"

Klaus tucked his arms like a child, his knee bouncing like one too. Couldn't believe some 14-year-old kid weaseled him into breaking his stash. Unbelievable.


And so proceeded Five raiding Klaus's personal mini bar, completely stowed away under piles of clothes in his closet. Ah, the height of luxury. Hidden underneath a pair of rainbow zebra print underwear.

"You know you could've gone downstairs right?"

"Yeah, but you have taste. Dad? Hm, not so much."

"That says a lot." Klaus scrounged himself into an oddly slumped position on the bed. He watched as Five swayed up from his stash with a caramel colored bottle.

"There we go! That's the stuff of legends." Five chuckled darkly while using a corkscrew on the bottle of Glenfiddich.

Jesus, he didn't bother to pour himself a glass. Down the hatch and past the gate. No manners what so ever, and this was Five we're talking about!

Klaus about had a heart attack when he saw the bottom of the bottle skyrocket up.

"AUP, AUP, AUP! SLow down there, hot rod," his hands flew to the bottle and gingerly lowered it. Five shot a deadass glare to his brother.

"Only five shots! Five shots, Five! You're still a growing boy, and I need some for my therapy later!"

Klaus swaddled the scotch in his arms like it was a baby. Five wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"What kind of therapy requires scotch?"

"My kind!"

Five held up his hands in defeat. "Alright, alright. Five shots, I got it."

Klaus gave a triumphant humph, and danced his merry way to the personal mini-bar for shot glasses. Most of the time as he waited, Five spent arms on his knees, twidling his thumbs until Klaus came over with two glasses. Full to the brim, I might add.

Five graciously took one and didn't hesitate to chug it. After downing it, he moved over so Klaus could plop next to him.

"So uh, may I ask why you're drinking on this lovely afternoon, good sir?" Klaus at least took his time with his shot as if it were a delicate French wine.

"Things you wouldn't understand."

Klaus laughed, "try me, kid."

"I'm 58."

"Yeah, and I see dead people. Get over it. Now you gonna tell me, or not?"

Klaus gave a smirk and poured Five another shot. Five frowned at first but smiled, a genuine smile. This is why he liked Klaus.

"It's about someone."




"Well, she—"

"OH, so this someone is a she now? iinnteresting!"

Klaus finished his first drink, yet continued gesturing towards Five with the emptied glass. A crooked smile played on his lips, and the faint devilish gleam in his eye unnerved Five.

Five narrowed his eyes for a moment, "Let me finish! It's not like that..."


"So pray tell, what is it like exactly?"

"It's...weird." Pour. "I've seen her before. I mean, I have—a future her—and it was just a terrible deja vu moment. Like PTSD almost. I panicked and teleported here."


"You? Came here?" Klaus put a hand to his chest overdramatically, "to me? I am so honored, Five!"

"I came for the scotch. You dummy."

"Oh." Thanks for stomping on the brother bonding moment. But Klaus wasn't affected. He'd gotten used to people's rejection and cold demeanor. Instead of feeling hurt, he lit a smoke.

"So then how'd you two meet?" He held fire to his lips and inhaled.

Pour. "At the library. She bumped into me."

Shot. The final shot. Five swished the bittersweet flavoring in his mouth to savor it.

"Knowing you, you either collided into her or you both just you know, "bumped" into each other."

"So we collided, what of it?" Five felt fine. He was not fine.

Lying was bad, especially when you're lying to yourself. Really, his mentality couldn't process weight nor the amount of whiplash you had on him. His mind kept forcing him back to the accidental meet n' greet at the library. Your piercing eyes, the ones Five were sure you could cut through metal in a single stare. I mean, when he saw you in the apocalypse, your eyes were closed. So seeing them open was—Wait. Oh my god. Five's breath hitched.

The water bottle. Jesus Christ.

Until now he completely forget he had your water bottle.

He stood up instantly. Klaus nearly coughed on his cigarette. Boom. Five just walked out of the room, not even exhausting his powers. It was almost like he forgot how.

"Where you going?!"

No answers and out the door. Typical Five. Klaus sighed and continued to rag out his smoke. least he was true to his word, Klaus hummed out loud. He only drank five shots.

Waterbottle | Number 5 x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora